Requests for lectures and meetings at TU Delft have been rejected several times on the basis of non-valid guidelines. But to students it appears as ‘random’. A ‘mini moral deliberation’ should improve this, but it will take some time.
TU Delft is currently seeking the opinions of students and staff members about a possible campus in Rotterdam through a participatory value evaluation (PVE). What is the purpose of this consultation? Delta dived into the questionnaire, the use of unique codes, and the timing of the survey.
The Student Council is delving into the recently announced cutback measures requiring all faculties to reduce their costs by 10%. In a strongly worded response, the student representatives warn that this blanket approach to economising will jeopardise the quality of education.
Poor maintenance, rising rents, and the threat to demolish or sell student housing. TU Delft students are becoming increasingly concerned about their housing say several interest groups in a report.
The planned departure of the Executive Board is causing concern among various bodies about the stability of governance at TU Delft. Internal trade unions warn that the changes will come at a critical period of major challenges. The student and works council, on the contrary, face the changes with confidence.
Purple nail polish, drag queen bingo and free poffertjes. TU Delft study associations organised several activities for Purple Friday to raise awareness and acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community on campus.