In his role as Sustainability Coordinator. Andy van den Dobbelsteen has set an ambitious target – a green and climate neutral campus in eight years’ time. What is the plan?
Just imagine: TU Delft will honour the founder of the Gist en Spiritusfabriek with a museum, the Museum Van Marken. What should it look like? Here are the best ideas.
There is a mountain of subsidies just waiting. TU Delft researchers heard how they can apply for money for research into green hydrogen at an online meeting.
During open-heart surgery at Erasmus MC, the entire heart is measured using advanced electrodes from TU Delft. How does that help in looking for cardiac rhythm disorders?
The iconic lighthouse near Den Helder has so many cracks that the area has been cordoned off. Professor Adriaan Beukers is working with local entrepreneurs to find a solution.
Volkskrantjournalist en oud-Delta-collega Maarten Keulemans is vrijdag door journalistenvereniging Villamedia uitgeroepen tot Journalist van het Jaar 2021 voor zijn onvermoeibare verslaggeving van de corona-epidemie voor de Volkskrant. Volkskrantlezers kennen hem onder meer van zijn serie ‘Keulemans in quarantaine’, waarin hij vragen van lezers beantwoordt. Keulemans onderstreept wat de jury betreft het hoge niveau van de…
In the Kabelfabriek along the Schieweg, 30 students are working on a unique project: a serious racing car that runs on hydrogen. “This is the future of motor sports.”
Last Friday, 14 January 2022, at 11:21, Stefano Speretta and colleagues at EEMCS received the first signals from their mini satellite. The agonising wait was finally over.
There is no good time for bad news, but the announcement made by Minister Blok the day before his departure about extra gas production in Groningen was very unfortunate.