Blok and Taebi in Climate Council The council of ministers has set up a Scientific Climate Council (WKR) to advise the government and parliament on climate policy, solicited and unsolicited. Professor of environment and sustainability Jan Willem Erisman (Leiden University) was appointed chairman on 1 March and a few weeks later the nine…
Universitair docent Bieke Cattoor (BK) is een van de tien wetenschappers die dinsdag 28 april geïnstalleerd worden als lid van De Jonge Akademie. Wat betekent dat voor haar?
Scientists see the latest report by the IPCC UN climate commission as a final warning. How does PhD student and climate researcher Sophie de Roda Husman hold out hope?
Dutch only Microscopiespecialisten Bernd Rieger en Sjoerd Stallinga (faculteit Technische Natuurwetenschappen) verzorgen zondag 26 maart de Van Leeuwenhoeklezing (in het Nederlands) in Theater De Veste. Ze zullen vergelijkingen maken tussen wat Van Leeuwenhoek driehonderd jaar geleden zag en de huidige stand van de techniek. Moderne lichtmicroscopen, lichtgevende moleculen, getunede lasers en computeralgoritmen maken…
Ensure a fair distribution of climate costs, the WRR advises in a report to the Government. TU Delft climate ethic Behnam Taebi thinks ahead on how this can be done.
Of the eight selected publications on energy and climate, two were awarded prizes on Wednesday 15 March. These were about wind farms and flight paths.
‘Sustainable flying’ sounds like a contradiction in terms. A hydrogen-powered electric plane may be emission-free, but how much green energy does it require?
Hoe denken Nederlanders over energie en klimaat? Met behulp van een Delftse methode van publieksraadpleging hoopt de Tweede Kamer daar achter te komen.
After the withdrawal of two Majorana articles, the research field was in crisis, says Tom Dvir. He is first author of a new QuTech publication. What has changed?