Dire Straits, Lou Reed, Dutch news in English, fun interviews with international students and a quick roundup of upcoming events at the university. Tune in to World Wide Wednesdays, TU’s first international radio show, every Wednesday night for all this and, sometimes, even more.
Started in 2012 by international student Celia Conde, the show is an endeavour to make foreigners feel more at home. One of the eight odd shows on TU’s Campus Radio 1, this 2-hour show is recorded on the sole console that stands proudly in the centre of the Culture Centre. Hosted entirely by students, the show’s cast keeps changing. Interestingly, the number of listeners increases during exam season.
Greek-British student Kostas Fines is one of the only radio jockeys who has been with the show since the beginning. He has two new compatriots at the moment, Kinan Sutopo (Dutch) and Lian Wu (from Portugal). First year BSc students from the Aerospace Faculty, all three are enjoying their off-beat hobby.
“It’s a two hour show that we record live,” says Fines, explaining that the show has a fixed format that works well. World Wide Wednesdays (WWW) is divided into upcoming events, film reviews, news, interesting science facts and interviews. “We try and interview PhD students, MSc students and even professors. We talk to them about things they miss about their country and their experiences here in the Netherlands,” says Fines. One of their most popular guests has been Professor Ricky Curran, the guitarist of a rock band called Doc Curran. Curran even played some of his songs on the show.
“We also ask our guests to recommend some songs that they like to listen to,” says Fines. Over the past year, they’ve played music from Greece, China and many other parts of the world. “We play all kinds of music except Justin Bieber,” he says. “Besides classic rock, we also try and play alternative rock bands such as Force of the Dragon. Sometimes we just play the top songs of the week on Spotify.”
Wu says the world of WWW is refreshing. “It’s two hours of something entirely different from what we do during the week, so we all really enjoy it,” he explains. Each show has a varying audience. On an average 20-30 listeners tune in for each section. Not just international students. Sutopo says some of her Dutch friends listen in from time to time too.
The big problem for WWW at the moment is the lack of resources. But the crew is optimistic. “So far we have only got favourable responses from all our listeners. Ideally we would like every international student to listen in every week, but we’re happy with the way things are improving,” says Fines.
WWW has a clear aim, to reach out to international students and are happy to help different groups and association promote upcoming events. These RJs take pride in hosting a show for the global audience at TU Delft.
So tune in every Wednesday from 19:00 to 21:00 at www.livestream.com/campusradio1delft

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