Ongeveer vierhonderd studenten hebben vandaag geprotesteerd tegen het onderwijsbeleid van het kabinet. Er was veel politie op de been, maar die hoefde niet in te grijpen: de demonstratie verliep rustig.
Aan de toegestroomde studenten beloofde SP-kamerlid Jasper van Dijk dat de wet met de langstudeermaatregelen er niet zou komen. Als de wet niet in de Tweede Kamer van tafel gaat, dan zal hij in de Eerste Kamer stranden, hield hij de protesterende studenten voor. Die beloonden hem met applaus en gejuich.
Ook de Haagse komiek Sjaak Bral sprak de menigte toe. “De grootste probleemwijk van Den Haag is het Binnenhof”, grapte hij, wat hem eveneens bijval opleverde.
Twee kamerleden van de regeringspartijen kregen nog het woord, hoewel ze bijna niet boven het gejoel uitkwamen. Ze konden daardoor nauwelijks uitleggen wat hun overwegingen waren. CDA-kamerlid Sander de Rouwe, die net vader is geworden, bedankte de studentenorganisaties voor de felicitaties die hij van hen had gekregen.
In januari protesteerden ongeveer vijftienduizend studenten op het Malieveld tegen de kabinetsplannen.
Dear Reader,
You are holding in a very special issue of Delta, an issue made by students and for students.
When we began working on this issue, our most pressing question was: what do students want? What do they want to read about, see, and how do they want this content to be presented to them? But most importantly, how can we, a team of 15 dedicated student editors, writers, photographers, and artists, have fun and learn something new while putting this issue together for our target audience? So we realized that this must be the basic main goal of each and every one of us: to learn something new and to have fun along the way.
With this issue, we’ve also aimed to bring the Dutch and International student populations together. That’s the reason you won’t only see more articles in English in this issue, but also short translations of the main articles, both in Dutch and English, at the bottom of each page.
So what is it that English-speaking students can read about in this issue?
The most pressing questions for International students — where to sleep and where to go for help in this foreign land — are addressed in the student affairs section.
Once these basic needs are fulfilled, the thirst for knowledge can be quenched with articles about advances in technology fresh from the TU oven, awesome student projects on campus, and the magic and art in technology, on the science and philosophy pages. This issue also contains interviews by two amazing professors: MIT’s ‘Professor without boundaries’, Walter Lewin, and TU Delft’s own magician and computer genius, Professor William van der Poel. Additionally, there is some fodder for the brain in the Hot Topic discussion and the article on Red Cross volunteering.
Finally, discover where and when to have fun this summer in the lifestyle section. Articles about festivals, activities and the World Cup will help you fill your summer agenda.
Last but not least, the final page satisfies one of the top student queries here at TU Delft: Meer bier en vrouwen! (More beer and women!) So sit back, relax and enjoy the read 😉
Olga Motsyk
Chief editor
sTUDelta English pages
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