Tuition fees may rise EUR 212
Due to high inflation, tuition fees for universities and colleges will rising with 212 euros as of September 2023. Opposition parties wanted to freeze the fee, but did not get a majority on Wednesday.
From September 2023 Dutch, EU and Surinamese students pay 2,421 euros tuition fees per year. At least, if the cabinet sets the new rate in the same way as in previous years: based on inflation. In view of the rapid price increases, HOP predicted at the end of March that the fee would rise substantially. But the government always uses the month of April as a benchmark and then the inflation was even higher: 9.6 percent.
In early April, opposition party Volt asked Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf (OCW) to freeze tuition fees, but the minister would not do so. There would be no ‘coverage’ for it, was his explanation. Volt then submitted a motion together with BoerBurgerBeweging, but government parties VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie voted against, along with the SGP. All other parties were in favour, but they do not have a majority.
In September 2023, the basic grant also happens to return. This gives students more money, but the higher tuition fee immediately takes a bite out of it: the increase of 212 euros is about the same as two months of basic grant for students living at home. (HOP, BB)

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