The academic year 2014-2015 begins officially on September 1 with the official Opening Ceremony. The ceremony, which was conducted in Dutch until 2012, will be held in English again this year.
The theme for this year is to encourage students to think about subjects from various angles ‘because by looking at a problem from different frames of reference, possibilities for solving it become easier to discover’ says the information note about the ceremony.
This year the event has a special guest – Dutch astronaut Andre Kuipers. Kuipers is the first Dutch astronaut with two space missions and he has spent 204 days in space. In 2013, he was appointed the Ambassador of Teckniepact – a pact between the government, educational institutions and industries to encourage young people to study science. He also hosts a weekly TV science show called De Kennis van Nu – (The Knowledge We Have Now).
Other speakers include the President and Vice President of the Executive Board, Anka Mulder and Dirk Jan van den Berg. While Mulder opens the ceremony with a look at the world of the future engineer, Van Den Berg will share his personal international experiences.
Besides this, certain student organisations will also have a stand at the event. ¨The discussion came up at one of the internationalisation meetings and we felt it will be good to have a stand at the ceremony so new students learn about the organisation and the options they have,” says Tushar Nafde, secretary, Delft International Student Society.
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