This Tuesday, during the funeral of Prince Claus – the husband of Dutch Queen Beatrix – TU Delft is closed. Claus’s funereal will be held at the (Nieuwe Kerk) New Church in Delft.
No classes will be held and researchers cannot enter the TU unless they have special passes. Also, the Aula, Sports Center and library will be closed. The Aula will be used as a reception area for guests during the funeral. A large portion of the TU campus will be turned into a parking lot.
Next Tuesday, the TU will be largely inaccessible. The TU Executive Board expressed its sadness at the news of Prins Claus’s death. Flags are hung at half-mast at most TU buildings. Many TU student clubs are in mourning and their buildings will be closed on Tuesday.
This Tuesday, during the funeral of Prince Claus – the husband of Dutch Queen Beatrix – TU Delft is closed. Claus’s funereal will be held at the (Nieuwe Kerk) New Church in Delft. No classes will be held and researchers cannot enter the TU unless they have special passes. Also, the Aula, Sports Center and library will be closed. The Aula will be used as a reception area for guests during the funeral. A large portion of the TU campus will be turned into a parking lot.
Next Tuesday, the TU will be largely inaccessible. The TU Executive Board expressed its sadness at the news of Prins Claus’s death. Flags are hung at half-mast at most TU buildings. Many TU student clubs are in mourning and their buildings will be closed on Tuesday.

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