Throne Speech: ‘Education and research focused on what the Netherlands needs’

The cabinet wants more attention to education and research ‘focused on what the Netherlands needs’ in higher education, the King of the Netherlands just said in the so-called Speech from the Throne.

After phrases on migration, defense and agriculture, the speech also addressed higher education. “In this, sharp choices are needed, both for substantive and financial reasons,” King Willem-Alexander said.


“One of those choices is to reduce the number of foreign students and make Dutch the norm again in higher education,” he declared. Earlier, he briefly mentioned student migration as a problem, among other forms of migration.

This was all. The cabinet previously announced sharp budget cuts to education and research. By comparison, in the last edition of the Throne Speech, equal opportunities, discrimination and the mental well-being of young people came up. The year before that, major investments in secondary and higher education and science were announced to provide “peace and quiet.”

The king does not write the Speech from the Throne himself. The cabinet does.

HOP, Bas Belleman

The Speech from the Throne

Every year on the third Tuesday in September – known as Prinsjesdag – the King or Queen of the Netherlands delivers the Throne Speech. In it the government announces its plans from the upcoming year. Among those present at the deliverance are the ministers, members of the parliament and the royal family. (Delta, KB)

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