Art and Antiques’Den Haag Antiques Fair’Plein, The Haguewww.d
Antiques, old books, other curiosa. Nov. 09, 10:00-18:00.
‘Lunch Concert’
Royal Conservatory, The Hague
Performed by Royal Conservatory students. Nov. 09, 12:45, free.
‘Podium Vocale’
Haags Open Podium, The Hague
Performed by the Telemann Trio. Nov. 09, 12:45, free.
Paviljoen de Witte, The Hague
Music by the Peter Tiehuis Trio. Nov. 12, 15:00, 11.50 euro.
‘Lunch Concert’
Nieuwe Kerk, The Hague
Concert by the winners of the Christina Concourse. Nov. 15, 12:30, free.
‘Pause Concert’
Kloosterkerk, The Hague
By Ensemble Rossignol. Nov. 15, 12:45, free.
‘Medium Rare’
Korzo Theater, The Hague
Dance by Pedro Goucha. Nov. 09, 19:00, 8 euro.
Korzo Theater, The Hague
A collective dance performance. Nov. 09, 22:30, free.
Lucent Dance Theater, The Hague
NDT II in premiere. Nov. 09, 20:15, 28.50/23.50 euro.
‘The Hague Moves’
Theater aan het Spui, The Hague
Dance competition. Nov. 10, 22:15, free.
Disco and Parties
COC Haaglanden, The Hague
Multicultural disco with salsa, merengue, zouk, axe and other world music. Nov. 09, 21:00-02:00.
Lokaal Vredebreuk, The Hague
Dance party with DJ’s Jelmer and Chiel. Nov. 10, 22:30, free.
‘Brazilian Dance Night’
Greve, The Hague
So hot you’ll want more! Nov. 11, 22:30, free.
‘Sinterklaas, between Myth and Miter’
Museum Swaensteyn, The Hague
The story of St. Nicolaas in images. Nov. 11-Dec.10, Wed.-Sun. 13:00-17:00, 1.50 euro.
‘Hypnerotomachia Poliphili’
Museum Mermanno, The Hague
Strife of love in a dream. Tue.-Fri. 11:00-17:00, Sat.-Sun. 12:00-17:00, 4 euro.
‘Museumschip Hr Ms Mercuur’
Harbor, Scheveningen
Get on board of a wooden minesweeper. Tue. 10:00-16:00, 2.50 euro.
‘Historical Museum The Hague’
Haags Historsich Museum, The Hague
Dutch history brought to life by a wealth of objects. Tue.-Fri. 10:00-17:00, Sat.-Sun. 12:00-17:00, 4 euro.
Festivals and Fairs
Various locations, The Hague
Dance and adventure, festive premiers, intimate presentations, young dancers and celebrated performers. Through Nov. 11, times and prices vary.
‘Musical Afternoon’
MegaStores, The Hague
A varied musical programme. Nov. 11, 12:00-16:30, free.
Cultuurpodium Boerderij, Zoetermeer
Interactive media show. Nov. 15, 20:30, 18 euro.
‘The Scandals’
De Paap, The Hague
Live music. Nov. 09, 22:00, free.
De Pater, The Hague
Live jazz session. Nov. 09, 23:00, free.
‘Scotch & Stingr’
Haags Pop Centrum, The Hague
Pop/rock. Nov. 10, 20:00, free.
‘Sunday Grooves’
The Fiddler, The Hague
Live jazz. Nov. 12, 15:30-18:00, free.
‘Jazz Session’
Café Murphy’s Law, The Hague
Live music. Nov. 13, 21:00, free.
For a complete listing of this week’s Study Breaks, go to:
Art and Antiques
‘Den Haag Antiques Fair’
Plein, The Hague
Antiques, old books, other curiosa. Nov. 09, 10:00-18:00.
‘Lunch Concert’
Royal Conservatory, The Hague
Performed by Royal Conservatory students. Nov. 09, 12:45, free.
‘Podium Vocale’
Haags Open Podium, The Hague
Performed by the Telemann Trio. Nov. 09, 12:45, free.
Paviljoen de Witte, The Hague
Music by the Peter Tiehuis Trio. Nov. 12, 15:00, 11.50 euro.
‘Lunch Concert’
Nieuwe Kerk, The Hague
Concert by the winners of the Christina Concourse. Nov. 15, 12:30, free.
‘Pause Concert’
Kloosterkerk, The Hague
By Ensemble Rossignol. Nov. 15, 12:45, free.
‘Medium Rare’
Korzo Theater, The Hague
Dance by Pedro Goucha. Nov. 09, 19:00, 8 euro.
Korzo Theater, The Hague
A collective dance performance. Nov. 09, 22:30, free.
Lucent Dance Theater, The Hague
NDT II in premiere. Nov. 09, 20:15, 28.50/23.50 euro.
‘The Hague Moves’
Theater aan het Spui, The Hague
Dance competition. Nov. 10, 22:15, free.
Disco and Parties
COC Haaglanden, The Hague
Multicultural disco with salsa, merengue, zouk, axe and other world music. Nov. 09, 21:00-02:00.
Lokaal Vredebreuk, The Hague
Dance party with DJ’s Jelmer and Chiel. Nov. 10, 22:30, free.
‘Brazilian Dance Night’
Greve, The Hague
So hot you’ll want more! Nov. 11, 22:30, free.
‘Sinterklaas, between Myth and Miter’
Museum Swaensteyn, The Hague
The story of St. Nicolaas in images. Nov. 11-Dec.10, Wed.-Sun. 13:00-17:00, 1.50 euro.
‘Hypnerotomachia Poliphili’
Museum Mermanno, The Hague
Strife of love in a dream. Tue.-Fri. 11:00-17:00, Sat.-Sun. 12:00-17:00, 4 euro.
‘Museumschip Hr Ms Mercuur’
Harbor, Scheveningen
Get on board of a wooden minesweeper. Tue. 10:00-16:00, 2.50 euro.
‘Historical Museum The Hague’
Haags Historsich Museum, The Hague
Dutch history brought to life by a wealth of objects. Tue.-Fri. 10:00-17:00, Sat.-Sun. 12:00-17:00, 4 euro.
Festivals and Fairs
Various locations, The Hague
Dance and adventure, festive premiers, intimate presentations, young dancers and celebrated performers. Through Nov. 11, times and prices vary.
‘Musical Afternoon’
MegaStores, The Hague
A varied musical programme. Nov. 11, 12:00-16:30, free.
Cultuurpodium Boerderij, Zoetermeer
Interactive media show. Nov. 15, 20:30, 18 euro.
‘The Scandals’
De Paap, The Hague
Live music. Nov. 09, 22:00, free.
De Pater, The Hague
Live jazz session. Nov. 09, 23:00, free.
‘Scotch & Stingr’
Haags Pop Centrum, The Hague
Pop/rock. Nov. 10, 20:00, free.
‘Sunday Grooves’
The Fiddler, The Hague
Live jazz. Nov. 12, 15:30-18:00, free.
‘Jazz Session’
Café Murphy’s Law, The Hague
Live music. Nov. 13, 21:00, free.
For a complete listing of this week’s Study Breaks, go to:

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