

Art’Smelik & Stokking’Noordeinde, The Haguewww.smelik-stokking.nlThis is not another art gallery! Some of the most fascinating contemporary art works of international artists are presented here.

Original, accurate, realistic and beautiful pieces . simply to admire. 7 days, 11:00-17:30.
‘Swedish Contemporary Ceramic Show’

Terra Ceramics, Delft

This ceramics exposition shows that Sweden is a versatile nation! Tue.-Fri. 11:00-18:00, Fri. 19:00-21:00, Sat. 11:00-17:00.
‘Coffee Concert’

Dr. Anton Philips hall, The Hague

A nice way to start your day with the Royal School of Music. Mozart, Rachmaninov, Debussy. Sep. 18, starting 11:00, 5 euro, incl. 2 cups of coffee.

Regentenkamer, The Hague

Jazz performed by Dutch and Argentinean musicians. Sep. 18, starting 18:00, free.
‘Live recording’

De Fuut, The Hague

Neil Young and Joe Jackson Tribute by young and talented Dutch musicians. Sep. 20, starting 20:30, free.
‘Eighties Dance Night’

Speakers, Delft

This is the party to remind why the eighties are so fine! Sep. 16, starting 23:00, 7 euro, 5 euro with membership pass.

‘t Syndicaat, The Hague

Tango cafe, with dj. Sep. 19, starting 21:00, free.
‘Rock & Art’

RockArt Galerie, Hoek van Holland

Holland is famous and not only for one thing! Rock ‘n Roll, Jazz, Golden Earring are few examples and a lot more to be seen at Rock & Art hall of fame Holland. Thu.-Fri. 12:00-18:00, Sat. 13:-00-17:00, 3.5 euro.
‘Space Expo’

Space Expo, Noordwijk

Be the first to discover: Space Expo, Europe’s first permanent space exhibition. Experience the simulated launch of Ariane rocket, discover the world satellites, all about astronauts and more. Tue.-Sun. 10:00-17:00, 8.50 euro.

Delft Historic Tobacco Museum

Tabak Museum, Delft

Smoking cigars, chewing tobacco . these are few tobacco related topics and a lot of interesting information at this special museum. By appointment, payment . whatever you decide to contribute!
Lambert van Meerten

Lambertvan Meerten Museum, Delft

In 1892 Lambert van Meerten bought a property and built his dream house ‘Oud Holland’. Nowadays museum, but it conceals a beautiful garden, some of the old furniture and very peculiar items and rooms. Once you’ve seen it, you know why it’s called ‘dream house’! Tue.-Sat. 10:00-17:00, Sun. 13:00-17:00, 3.50 euro, 3 euro with CJP pass, 1.75 euro with NS rail pass, free with museum pass.
‘Forces of Nature’

Omniversum, The Hague

Earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes . the most notorious powers our planet throws in. A capturing movie on geological events, a glimpse into the depths of the earth. Days/times on the website, 9 euro.
‘The Afterparty of All Festivals’

Wilhelminapark, Rijswijk

With Surburbs, Elize and DJ van Dale to spice up the party. Sep. 17, 14:00-23:00, free.
‘Bazar Curieux 2005’

Nighttown, Rotterdam

You should go and see: The Go! Team, Jose Gonzales, Monica, Electronica. Sep. 17, starting 19:00, 12 euro.
‘Delft on Saturday’

Speakers, Delft

An exciting live radio, every Saturday on topics related to Delft, events, games and Delft bands that play live music! Stadsradio Delft (106.3 FM and 92.9MHz), 16:00-18:00.
‘Royal Wind Orchestra Delft’

de Vierhovenkerk, Delft

Even as a TU student you may still be interested to play music. Take your instrument and join a rehearsal! Wednesdays, starting 18:30.
‘Amstel Lite Comedy night’

Speakers, Delft

No laughing matter, MC Tricky Rick and Barry Diamond are here. Come over and laugh your head off! Sept. 15, starting 20:30, 10 euro.
‘The Peace Palace’

One of the most famous institutions that restores peace and justice in the world: the Peace Palace. Mon.-Fri. through the day, book in advance, 5 euro, 3 euro group tariff.

‘Smelik & Stokking’

Noordeinde, The Hague

This is not another art gallery! Some of the most fascinating contemporary art works of international artists are presented here. Original, accurate, realistic and beautiful pieces . simply to admire. 7 days, 11:00-17:30.
‘Swedish Contemporary Ceramic Show’

Terra Ceramics, Delft

This ceramics exposition shows that Sweden is a versatile nation! Tue.-Fri. 11:00-18:00, Fri. 19:00-21:00, Sat. 11:00-17:00.
‘Coffee Concert’

Dr. Anton Philips hall, The Hague

A nice way to start your day with the Royal School of Music. Mozart, Rachmaninov, Debussy. Sep. 18, starting 11:00, 5 euro, incl. 2 cups of coffee.

Regentenkamer, The Hague

Jazz performed by Dutch and Argentinean musicians. Sep. 18, starting 18:00, free.
‘Live recording’

De Fuut, The Hague

Neil Young and Joe Jackson Tribute by young and talented Dutch musicians. Sep. 20, starting 20:30, free.
‘Eighties Dance Night’

Speakers, Delft

This is the party to remind why the eighties are so fine! Sep. 16, starting 23:00, 7 euro, 5 euro with membership pass.

‘t Syndicaat, The Hague

Tango cafe, with dj. Sep. 19, starting 21:00, free.
‘Rock & Art’

RockArt Galerie, Hoek van Holland

Holland is famous and not only for one thing! Rock ‘n Roll, Jazz, Golden Earring are few examples and a lot more to be seen at Rock & Art hall of fame Holland. Thu.-Fri. 12:00-18:00, Sat. 13:-00-17:00, 3.5 euro.
‘Space Expo’

Space Expo, Noordwijk

Be the first to discover: Space Expo, Europe’s first permanent space exhibition. Experience the simulated launch of Ariane rocket, discover the world satellites, all about astronauts and more. Tue.-Sun. 10:00-17:00, 8.50 euro.

Delft Historic Tobacco Museum

Tabak Museum, Delft

Smoking cigars, chewing tobacco . these are few tobacco related topics and a lot of interesting information at this special museum. By appointment, payment . whatever you decide to contribute!
Lambert van Meerten

Lambertvan Meerten Museum, Delft

In 1892 Lambert van Meerten bought a property and built his dream house ‘Oud Holland’. Nowadays museum, but it conceals a beautiful garden, some of the old furniture and very peculiar items and rooms. Once you’ve seen it, you know why it’s called ‘dream house’! Tue.-Sat. 10:00-17:00, Sun. 13:00-17:00, 3.50 euro, 3 euro with CJP pass, 1.75 euro with NS rail pass, free with museum pass.
‘Forces of Nature’

Omniversum, The Hague

Earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes . the most notorious powers our planet throws in. A capturing movie on geological events, a glimpse into the depths of the earth. Days/times on the website, 9 euro.
‘The Afterparty of All Festivals’

Wilhelminapark, Rijswijk

With Surburbs, Elize and DJ van Dale to spice up the party. Sep. 17, 14:00-23:00, free.
‘Bazar Curieux 2005’

Nighttown, Rotterdam

You should go and see: The Go! Team, Jose Gonzales, Monica, Electronica. Sep. 17, starting 19:00, 12 euro.
‘Delft on Saturday’

Speakers, Delft

An exciting live radio, every Saturday on topics related to Delft, events, games and Delft bands that play live music! Stadsradio Delft (106.3 FM and 92.9MHz), 16:00-18:00.
‘Royal Wind Orchestra Delft’

de Vierhovenkerk, Delft

Even as a TU student you may still be interested to play music. Take your instrument and join a rehearsal! Wednesdays, starting 18:30.
‘Amstel Lite Comedy night’

Speakers, Delft

No laughing matter, MC Tricky Rick and Barry Diamond are here. Come over and laugh your head off! Sept. 15, starting 20:30, 10 euro.
‘The Peace Palace’

One of the most famous institutions that restores peace and justice in the world: the Peace Palace. Mon.-Fri. through the day, book in advance, 5 euro, 3 euro group tariff.

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