Students also want more pay for 18-year-olds

A petition by trade union FNV Young & United to pay 18-year-olds the normal minimum wage gets support from student organisations ISO and LSVb. The youth departments of some political parties are also backing the initiative.

With the slogan ‘youth wage is half wage’, the youth union has been campaigning for several months against the big difference in salary between 18 and 21-year-olds. Those turning 21 are entitled to a ‘normal’ minimum wage, while 18-year-olds have to make do with exactly half.

FNV Young finds this ‘inexplicable’ and started a petition in September. From the age of 18 onwards, the minimum wage should simply apply. Student organisations ISO and LSVb and the youth sections of the political parties GroenLinks-PvdA, D66, CU, SP and Volt now also support this plea.

The petition (in Dutch) has been signed some 16,000 times since September. A minimum of forty thousand signatures are needed for the proposal to be considered by the Lower House.

HOP, Olmo Linthorst

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