Student wins energy surcharge court case
Once again, a student has won a lawsuit over the energy surcharge from his municipality. This time, Amsterdam goes down. The municipality should not simply exclude students, the court ruled.
Due to high energy prices, the government wants to financially support low-income families. To this end, the energy surcharge was created But students did not have to be eligible, the cabinet ruled.
Last summer, a student from Nijmegen won a court case from his municipality to still get the energy surcharge. Now the same thing has happened in Amsterdam. The municipality has to make a new decision on 24-year-old student Melle van der Geest’s application within six weeks.
Speaking to daily newspaper Het Parool, the student said he was “very happy” that the municipality should eventually consider his application. “Then I will no longer be excluded because I am a student, but the requirements will be looked at. For example, my income.” (HOP, BB)

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