
Sex and the student city

Where the girls at?He saidThere he is, the Delft male student, standing in front of a mirror, preparing himself for a party. Hair? Check! Shirt? Check! Breath? Check! Protection (you never know..

.)? Check! His friends told him the party is going to be great: “It’s at Industrial Design, so there  will be lots and lots of girls!” Full of confidence, he takes his bicycle and sets off of for the Mekelweg.
He arrives at ID kafee, meets up with his friends. First thing he does is carefully scan the perimeter. There is a hot blond girl at the bar, but the dude right next to her appears to be her boyfriend. The lucky bastard. The student asks his friends: “Where the girls at?” His friends: “Don’t worry, it’s still early, they will come!”
As the night progresses the crowd thickens. “That guy looks familiar, I think he’s from 3mE, and that dude over there is from Aerospace Engineering.” It seems like the whole male population of the university has gathered here in search of some female company. As he drinks more beer, the few girls that are there get prettier by the hour. However, the competition is fierce; he knows he will only get one shot. Hmm, that girl over there looks nice. He approaches her from behind, opens his mouth to say something, but…. You’ve got to be kidding me! It’s a dude with long hair! The student realizes he is wasted, time to go home.
Highly educated men in the Netherlands are predicted to raise several families in the future, as women are more attracted to them. The Delft male student that wakes up with a terrible hangover the morning after the party realizes that he will probably have to wait until he gets his degree and leaves for more female-rich areas.

She said
There’s a party at industrial design and me and all my ladies are gonna have a good time! All three of us. Two of the five girlfriends I have in this city can’t make it, but ain’t nothing gonna stop our crowd of three! Then, one of the girls calls to cancel. Ok, crowd of two then!
We arrive at the party. Damn, it’s nice being a single girl in Delft — so many cute guys in sight! My girlfriend is off to get us some drinks. While she’s gone, I make eye contact with a guy and he comes up to chat. His name is Fernando, and he has a thick Spanish accent. He’s already tipsy and five minutes into the conversation his hand is slipping past my waistline and he’s leaning in. What the eff, boy? I’ve just met you! I discreetly make the ‘headslice’ gesture to my friend who’s just surfaced from the crowd, and she drags me off to the next room.
We hit the dance floor. From the corner of my eye I see a cute blond guy. He’s totally checking me out! We make eye contact and… he looks at the floor. A minute later I look up and… he smiles! Jackpot! But what is that I see in his eyes? Cautiousness? Fear? I’m distracted by a crowd of first-years that is now dancing in circles and spilling beer around us. Why is it that only exchange students and first-years approach us?
It’s the end of the party and we’re heading for the exit. Someone steps in my path. It’s the cute blond boy from before! Only now his eyes are red and his speech is so slurred I can hardly make out what he’s saying. So you’ve waited till you’re piss-drunk to come up and talk to me? This time the ‘headslice’ isn’t even necessary as my girl drags me away into the night.

Op ongeveer twee kilometer diepte onder Delft bevindt zich een warm-waterhoudende zandsteenlaag die de TU wil aanboren. Dat water van naar verwachting zo’n 80 graden Celsius kan mooi gebruikt worden om universiteitsgebouwen en studentenhuizen duurzaam mee te verwarmen, zo is het idee. De TU verwacht daarmee vijf miljoen kubieke meter aardgas per jaar te kunnen besparen.

De TU Delft is de eerste universiteit in Nederland die een dergelijke vergunning heeft ontvangen.

Het plan om deze geothermische energie te winnen is afkomstig van stichting Delft Aardwarmte Project (DAP), een initiatief van studenten en afgestudeerden van de opleiding technische aardwetenschappen. Zij hopen dat het onderzoek naar aardwarmte met dit project een impuls krijgt.

De TU en DAP hebben al vergevorderde gesprekken gevoerd met energiebedrijf Eneco. Dat bedrijf heeft er wel oren naar om de bron te exploiteren. “We zijn een samenwerkingsovereenkomst aan het opstellen”, zegt directeur algemene zaken van het energiebedrijf, Pieter Jan Witvliet. “Als dat klaar is maken we een definitief ontwerp voor de boring. En dan, waarschijnlijk in de loop van 2010, geht’s los, aldus Witvliet.

De TU, de DAP en de gemeente Pijnacker-Nootdorp werken nauw samen om ook andere aardwarmteprojecten in de regio te stimuleren. Deze organisaties zijn verenigd in de Aardwarmte Kring Vrijenban. Zo zullen twee tuinders in Pijnacker mogelijk gebruik maken van de vergunning van de TU Delft om onder hun eigen erf naar aardwarmte te zoeken.

Lees ook: Delftse bergen als onuitputtelijke energiebron

Where the girls at?
Where the girls at?

Where the girls at?

He said
There he is, the Delft male student, standing in front of a mirror, preparing himself for a party. Hair? Check! Shirt? Check! Breath? Check! Protection (you never know…)? Check! His friends told him the party is going to be great: “It’s at Industrial Design, so there  will be lots and lots of girls!” Full of confidence, he takes his bicycle and sets off of for the Mekelweg.
He arrives at ID kafee, meets up with his friends. First thing he does is carefully scan the perimeter. There is a hot blond girl at the bar, but the dude right next to her appears to be her boyfriend. The lucky bastard. The student asks his friends: “Where the girls at?” His friends: “Don’t worry, it’s still early, they will come!”
As the night progresses the crowd thickens. “That guy looks familiar, I think he’s from 3mE, and that dude over there is from Aerospace Engineering.” It seems like the whole male population of the university has gathered here in search of some female company. As he drinks more beer, the few girls that are there get prettier by the hour. However, the competition is fierce; he knows he will only get one shot. Hmm, that girl over there looks nice. He approaches her from behind, opens his mouth to say something, but…. You’ve got to be kidding me! It’s a dude with long hair! The student realizes he is wasted, time to go home.
Highly educated men in the Netherlands are predicted to raise several families in the future, as women are more attracted to them. The Delft male student that wakes up with a terrible hangover the morning after the party realizes that he will probably have to wait until he gets his degree and leaves for more female-rich areas.

She said
There’s a party at industrial design and me and all my ladies are gonna have a good time! All three of us. Two of the five girlfriends I have in this city can’t make it, but ain’t nothing gonna stop our crowd of three! Then, one of the girls calls to cancel. Ok, crowd of two then!
We arrive at the party. Damn, it’s nice being a single girl in Delft — so many cute guys in sight! My girlfriend is off to get us some drinks. While she’s gone, I make eye contact with a guy and he comes up to chat. His name is Fernando, and he has a thick Spanish accent. He’s already tipsy and five minutes into the conversation his hand is slipping past my waistline and he’s leaning in. What the eff, boy? I’ve just met you! I discreetly make the ‘headslice’ gesture to my friend who’s just surfaced from the crowd, and she drags me off to the next room.
We hit the dance floor. From the corner of my eye I see a cute blond guy. He’s totally checking me out! We make eye contact and… he looks at the floor. A minute later I look up and… he smiles! Jackpot! But what is that I see in his eyes? Cautiousness? Fear? I’m distracted by a crowd of first-years that is now dancing in circles and spilling beer around us. Why is it that only exchange students and first-years approach us?
It’s the end of the party and we’re heading for the exit. Someone steps in my path. It’s the cute blond boy from before! Only now his eyes are red and his speech is so slurred I can hardly make out what he’s saying. So you’ve waited till you’re piss-drunk to come up and talk to me? This time the ‘headslice’ isn’t even necessary as my girl drags me away into the night.

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