Have you ever thought about learning another language than programming language? If so, come to the Language Festival.
Tandem has two bookcases filled with international literature on the campus. Jeroen Roseboom: “You can just come and take them. We assume that you will bring them back.” (Photo: Connie van Uffelen)
Tandem Delft, an initiative of Dutch and international students wanting to bring people of different cultures together, is holding a two week festival about language.
The festival’s programme:
- Monday 18 February: The secret rules of language, a lecture by Prof. C.C. Levelt in lecture hall C of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, 20.00–21:30.
- Tuesday 19 February: a Movie & Discussion Night screening the film A story about privacy and optimality, in the Square in the Pulse building, 20:00-22:30.
- Wednesday 20 February: Games Night: Knowledge is power, in the common room at X, 20:00-23:00.
- Thursday 21 February: Language Café ‘Ich will gerne Deutsch mit dir reden’ in De Kat in de Stad, Markt 33, 20:00-22:30.
- Saturday 23 February: Mysterious winds flow here an activity with The Base, all international associations together, Kanaalweg 4.
- Wednesday 27 February: a Potluck Dinner where everyone brings a dish from their own culture, in the shared kitchen at X, 18:30-20:30.
- Thursday 28 February: a Pub Quiz with questions about language, 20:30-22:30. The location will be announced on Tandem’s Facebook page.
Does this look appealing? Tandem holds more of these activities and can pair you with a language buddy on the language.tudelft.nl website. After all, you learn a language more quickly by talking to each other.
If you prefer just reading a book in another language, Tandem has two bookcases filled with international literature on the campus. One in the UB and another in the common room at X. “We have books in just about any language in Europe, plus in Chinese and Japanese,” says Tandem’s Jeroen Roseboom. “You can just come and take them. We assume that you will bring them back.”
Correction 18-2-2019 :
The word ‘EU’ has been replaced by ‘Europe’.

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