The city council is instrumental when it comes to making Delft more sustainable.
Solar-powered e-bike charging station op de campus.
Nearly all the parties advocate for a greener and more sustainable city, but for parties like D66, Stip, GroenLinks and PvdA it is a core issue. Onafhankelijk Delft is the only party that does not mention sustainability.
VVD, Stip, GroenLinks, ChristenUnie and PvdA are in favour of only building energy neutral buildings. D66’s focus lies more on converting older buildings to make them energy neutral and stimulating sustainable initiatives like solar panels and better isolation with subsidies. VVD does not believe in subsidising sustainable initiatives per se, but would rather implement sustainable innovations in Delft.
Stadsbelangen Delft believes in stimulating people to use less energy and use alternative energy sources. Both VVD and CDA believe that Delft should work towards a circular economy.
ChristenUnie, D66 and PvdA believe that the municipality should serve as an example and transition to using sustainable energy. All parties support more and better maintained green areas, both in the centre and in the other neighbourhoods.

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