
Pilot for refugees in science continues

Science funder NWO is reserving EUR 980,000 for refugee academics who want to continue their careers in the Netherlands.

(Photo: Capri23auto / Pixabay)

Last year’s pilot will continue under the name ‘Hestia’, after the goddess in Greek mythology who never went to war.

Scientists who have refugee status can fill in a form to apply for a grant of up to EUR 140,000. They must have at least a master degree or PhD to qualify. The ‘Hestia – Impuls voor Vluchtelingen in de Wetenschap’ (Hestia – Impulse for Refugees in Science) programme was developed jointly by the De Jonge Akademie, de KNAW and the Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF (Foundation for Refugee Students UAF) .

Like last year, the candidates are coupled to project leaders or ongoing research projects that are already being funded by NWO or ZonMw. Refugees may pitch an idea themselves or search for a suitable project on the NWO website.

If their application is honoured, the refugee scientists can start working as a junior or senior researcher for between 12 and 24 months. The Hestia project will run for at least another two years.

Delta previously published an article from the De Ingenieur (the engineer) magazine about Fares al Hasan, refugee scientist working at TU Delft.

HOP, Melanie Zierse

HOP Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

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