Parliament wants to fast-track on-campus education
The Dutch parliament must ensure that students are given more physical lessons again more quickly. Two motions urging this were adopted this Thursday without dissenting votes. The compensation for graduated bachelor students did not make it.
D66 and ChristenUnie called on the government to start talks with higher education about reopening more quickly. GroenLinks, PvdA, SP and PvdD want institutions to be given room to allow all students to come to campus for a part of the day each week. Both motions were accepted unanimously.
During the voting, the large corona support package of education ministers Van Engelshoven and Slob was also discussed. The SP, together with the PvdA and PvdD, called for financial compensation for bachelor students graduating this year.
Van Engelshoven had already indicated that she did not want to pursue this because it would be infeasible. The four government parties respected her choice and voted as one against the motion. (HOP, Evelien Flink)
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