
‘Our next party might be in the laundry room’

The new academic year means lots of new international students moving into their new (DUWO) rooms and apartments. Delta sent a reporter along to knock on doors and find out what some of these students think about their new homes away from home.

“My room is quite new and has a flat-screen TV I never use but that looks really cool. I’ve heard about people hooking their TVs up to their computers to watch movies or play games, so I definitely see where my free time will go. The rest will go to parties, although not in our common room. Cool parties used to be held there, but unfortunately it was recently closed off; now it’s empty and looks like a soulless room. Otherwise I’ll make parties in my room! It has everything you need: IKEA furnishings, microwave, TV…. The bed is kind of small though, which forces me to practice my balancing act. Outside there’s a lawn that looks like a jungle. It used be just dirt, so at least it’s better now. There’s also a small pond, but it’s filthy. There’s also a canal, which three drunk Italians ended up in one night! I’ve already met my neighbors and we’re now organizing a party on the jungle lawn out front!
Enrique Backhaus, Bolivia, EPA, Leeghwaterstraat West

“From the 12th floor of my room in Roland Holstlaan I can see all of the Netherlands – this was my first impression. The second one was the silverfish – small insects that keep me company for dinner. So far it’s been amusing. The outside of the room is like heaven. Literally. Inside things aren’t so new. There’s some very old stuff, but I figure it’s classical decor. The one minute Albert Heijn trip is really cool though! I’m hooked already. Then there’s the canal. It has huge fish in it – really huge! You can also see birds fighting for bread crumbs. Fun stuff like that. Perhaps there’s a lack of neighborly interaction, due to the non-existent common room, but still I’m enjoying it, and I’ve met lots of cool people elsewhere on campus.”
Ali Karkhaneh, Iran, EPA, Roland Hostlaan

“The room looks cool and cute, also clean, so in general fine, and it came equipped with kitchen stuff and other necessities. I don’t like the bathroom sharing part, though. Also in the kitchen people don’t clean after themselves. Perhaps we could invest more in cleaning. When I go into the kitchen I cannot cook or eat because it’s such a mess. The surroundings are nice. There’s a really nice pond just in front. Also, having an indoor bike shed is convenient. My neighbors are great. Many of them are classmates, which works nicely with doing projects and other fun stuff. I’ve also met lots of people that I had contact with through the Internet, so I’ve been able to put faces to names.”
Marija Jelic, Serbia, EPA, Binnenhof

“The room is very nice, lots of space and organized. But it seems inventory was lacking, because one lamp doesn’t work and I didn’t get any hangers. I do enjoy living alone, just not in the dark with no hangers. I’m fond of having my own bathroom and kitchen. I also like the view from the third floor, although higher up would be even better! On the other hand, I don’t like the view outsiders get into my room. I really like having a supermarket and tram stop close by. And my neighbors are amazing. I’ve already met Mexican and Greek neighbors who are really fun!
Angela Rincón, Colombia, EPA, Roland Holstlaan

“My first impression was one of having everything we could possibly need on the first day. I arrived at my room after having some food at the airport, and getting there tired it was nice to find new sheets and a clean room, along with a complete student survival kit. I didn’t even have to open my suitcase that night! Next day I realized the room isn’t as small as I thought it would be: 14 square meters is really more than you think. My room is all a student could possibly ask for. The surroundings are also nice, but my neighbors even nicer! Friendly from the moment I arrived, they had a party and I was invited. This being my first time traveling outside India, it was so nice to feel welcomed and make friends from day one.”
Gargi Prasad, India, Computer Science, Roland Holstlaan

“I’m new to living alone. I expected a small room, and no matter how much I read about it before coming, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw my room. I cherish the thought of having a place of my own, and one that comes with a very comfortable armchair! Besides that, there’s no microwave, which I sort of miss, and the thin pillow I could definitely do without. From the 13th floor, things seem much more positive. My room has an amazing view! It gets really hot when it’s sunny, but I’ve been told not to worry about that too much here. But it did help me realize that the shades are broken. Also, the room was dirty when I arrived. There’s also no common room, so no place to meet people, but I do like the building’s location and proximity to the university.”
Bassem Zaarour, Lebanon, Management of Technology, Roland Holstlaan

“Very roomy! I didn’t expect this from what I’d heard about Europe. I arrived late at night, but immediately noticed the penthouse view. Later I met some nice neighbors. We talked about Roland Holstlaan’s convenient location. I also heard about things that had been reported to DUWO, minor problems like missing light bulbs. I think they have plenty of material now for ‘how many international students does it take to screw in a light bulb’ type jokes! The rent is a bit high, though. Inside the room is well-furnished, outside it’s decorated by Delft, which I already like very much! Such a quiet city; I joke with neighbors that it seems we’re the only people living in the city. For a change, we go to the laundry room, which is the closest thing we have to a common room. Our next party might even be in the laundry room! Bring your dirty clothes!”
Carlos Toro-Bermudez, Colombia, Management of Technology, Roland Holstlaan

“My first impression was good. The house is quite big and I have a 5th floor apartment. Great view! My room is spacious, comfortable. However, a dirty house meant lots of cleaning up initially. The furniture in the room is enough for a student, although the bed is maybe too small. The desks are really big, though, so I guess it’s about encouraging people to study more and sleep less! My neighborhood is great, everything close by, either walking or by bike. Building safety however seems like a potential concern. I like that my room is big and has a big window, so lots of light comes in, but I don’t like that it’s a rather old building, so it looks old. Also the kitchen is good, but there’s no oven – kind of weird as I was planning to use it to cook! I haven’t met many neighbors yet, but probably I will at local restaurants until we get an oven!”
Marilena Kyriakou, Greece, Sustainable Energy Technology, Poptahof

De ranking van opleidingen en instellingen in de jongste editie van de keuzegids is herzien. Tot nu toe waren ze uitsluitend gebaseerd op studentenoordelen over onder meer het studieprogramma, de docenten, de organisatie en de faciliteiten.

In de Keuzegids 2009 is de studenttevredenheid nog maar voor de helft bepalend. Nu wegen ook de hoeveelheid contacturen per opleiding mee, de slagingspercentages, gegevens over de grootte van werkgroepen en de oordelen van deskundigen in de accreditatieprocedure.

In de oude opzet was de TU er niet erg gunstig vanaf gekomen. Bij de door studenten beoordeelde onderdelen voorzieningen en organisatie scoort Delft een 2,5 uit 5, de laagste waardering van alle universiteiten. Ter vergelijking: de beste waardering op het onderdeel organisatie gaat naar de Open Universiteit (4,9) en bij het onderdeel voorzieningen voeren drie universiteiten met een 3,8 de lijst aan (zie ook de tabel).

Ook wat betreft de slagingspercentages blijft de TU achter op andere universiteiten. Met een 2,4 is de score ook hier het laagst. Opvallend genoeg is de TU volgens de experts wél de beste opleiding die er in het Nederlandse WO-circuit voor handen is. De beoordeling van 4,2 is de hoogste uit de lijst.

Toch tilt dat verrassende feit de gemiddelden niet genoeg op: Delft (56,3) eindigt onderaan de algemene ranglijst. De zes klassieke universiteiten worden aangevoerd door Nijmegen (61,8), Leiden (60,2) en de UvA (59). Maastricht is de beste middelgrote universiteit (66,2), gevolgd door Tilburg (63,1) en Rotterdam (59,5). Van de drie technische universiteiten staat Eindhoven het hoogst (63,5).

Opleidingen die de meeste punten scoren, krijgen de hoogste aanbeveling van de Keuzegidsredactie. Wie bijvoorbeeld op zoek is naar de beste opleiding psychologie, krijgt het advies om naar Rotterdam of Maastricht te gaan en Utrecht te mijden.

De redactie vindt het goed verklaarbaar dat de nieuwe uitkomsten sterk lijken op de oude. Opleidingen die goed scoren in de harde statistieken en de deskundigenoordelen, hebben immers vaak ook tevreden studenten. En omgekeerd. Al zijn er altijd uitzonderingen: opleidingen met tevreden studenten die desondanks lang over hun studie doen of waar de werkgroepen groot zijn, hebben nu een lagere score.

Editor Redactie

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