The members of Panda, a gild of student association Sint Jansbrug, like to have their dinner served with the Trias Borreliticas. Those words refer to the three drinks that are served together with the food: coffee, beer and liquor.
In total, this awkward combination forms a nice triangle. But before one can enjoy the merits of Panda membership one must complete certain rituals to be granted this membership. “Twice a year we invite individuals to join”, says Max Café, member of Panda, “after which they can drink together with us for free for half a year, to see if we get along.” If we get along you are invited to drink the P.A.N.D.A. drink. The letters represent the five ingredients (mostly liquors) which it is made of. What they are? “That’s a secret. I can only tell it’s a curious taste.” After this, time has come to fully join the gild. “A gild-weekend is organized twice a year”, tells Café. “During the weekend the candidate-members have to fulfill a role-play. After successful completion you are a member.” But not before you drank the destroyer, another drink made up of secret ingredients. “It looks funny, but this one is actually tasty!” Panda is not all about mashing secret ingredients to make sinister drinks. A fine wine is appreciated equally well. “When you become a member you place a bottle of wine in a cave in Limburg, in the south of Holland.” Panda actually owns a part of that cave. The climate is ideal for use as wine cellar. “After graduation one revisits the cave and you have yourself a fine bottle of wine aged five, or more years.” Graduation also means leaving Panda. But former members need not fear. They automatically end up to be in the VUD, Vereniging van Uitgestorven Diersoorten (Association of Extinguished Species), referring to the endangered status of the Panda.
De ploeg zit al een tijd in Kirunu te wachten. DARE-voorzitter Ragiel Wildvank mailt vanuit Zweden: “Momenteel is het wachten nog op de REXUS raket, maar de datum van het lanceermoment is al redelijk ingekort. De raket gaat of waarschijnlijk aanstaande vrijdagmiddag of zaterdag gelanceerd worden.”
De meest actuele informatie is te volgen op hun eigen site.
Zie ook onderstaande animatie over de lancering.

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