Number of students with corona on the rise in more cities
The number of corona infections is rising not only in Delft. Following earlier cases in Maastricht, Tilburg and Wageningen, this is now the case in Groningen and Nijmegen. According to the Municipal Health Service (GGD), colleges and universities are not to blame there either. Students mainly catch the virus during private parties in student houses. But corona is also spreading outdoors. At the beginning of this month, for example, a student café in Nijmegen was closed by order of mayor Hubert Bruls. Since then, more than 50 visitors have tested positive for the virus and 230 had to be quarantined. On Thursday Bruls announced that two more popular student cafes have to close. He called on students to take responsibility.
Drinks and initiations are forbidden for the time being, but at the insistence of the House of Representatives, student associations are allowed to organise certain activities in the near future. That does not go well everywhere. Thirteen members of the Navigators Student Association Groningen have now tested positive. All activities have been cancelled for the time being, the association reports in a press release. The GGD is conducting source and contact research.

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