
News in Brief – Delta 23

Earth design awardTU Delft’s IDP student design team ‘Lumen’ has won the prestigious International Cifial ‘Feel the Planet Earth Design Competition Award’.

The team designed MoonLight, a safe, low-energy light using high efficiency Leds, a solar panel and pen-lite batteries. MoonLight aims to replace the millions of kerosene lights that are used and present a fire risk in straw and wooden houses in remote regions of Cambodia. The award comes with a prize of €12.500, which will be donated to Kamworks, in Cambodia, for producing the MoonLight.


The Casimir Research School, in which TU Delft and Leiden University are partners, has received 100,000 euro from Josina Casimir-Jonker, the widow of physicist Hendrik Casimir. The gift is in honor of the first anniversary of the research school, and in remembrance of the founder of the Casimir-effect, who would’ve been 100-years-old this year. The money is earmarked for the Hendrik Casimir Fund, which supports the educational pursuits of MSc students. 

,Master award

Master’s students can now compete for the UfD-Strukton Master Award, a prize sponsored by the University Fund Delft and Strukton, a construction company. First prize is worth 5,000 euro, and the two runners-up prizes 2,500 euro each. To compete for these prizes, students must have written ‘a project, graduation or research report about sustainable ideas and groundbreaking solutions for improving the environment’. The closing date for submissions is 1 October 2009. For more information,

,Help wanted

Freelance jobs available writing for Delta’s English Pages, as of August 2009, the start of the new academic year. We seek foreign students/staff to write articles in English, for payment, on a freelance basis. No experience necessary. We’re looking for enthusiastic, creative foreign students/staff to contribute articles, cartoons, illustrations and photographs. Interested, please send a brief introductory email to:

Student: Sjarifa Siregar, werktuigbouwkunde
Medewerker: Ing. John Seiffers, docent mechatronica

“Seiffers is een heel geduldige, enthousiaste en behulpzame docent. Hij begeleidt het eerstejaarsproject en maakt het leuk door het toepasbaar te maken op alledaagse dingen. Daardoor gaat het leven. Daarbij geeft hij goede colleges; hij legt duidelijk uit en het is interactief. Iedereen kan altijd vragen stellen. Hij weet waar hij het over heeft en stelt hoge eisen, maar is aan de andere kant makkelijk in de omgang en maakt regelmatig een grapje. Hij is laatst tot ‘Lid van Verdienste’ benoemd door studievereniging Leeghwater. Toen hebben ze hem in de maling genomen door te zeggen dat zijn motor was beschadigd. Eenmaal buiten verrasten ze hem. Toen moest hij weer lachen, gelukkig. Hij is inspirerend. Hij heeft een weeshuis in Ethiopië opgericht. In de hal van werktuigbouw worden koeken verkocht, waarvan de opbrengst naar dat weeshuis gaat. Ik zie hem stiekem als een lieve, geduldige schoolmeester.”

Earth design award

TU Delft’s IDP student design team ‘Lumen’ has won the prestigious International Cifial ‘Feel the Planet Earth Design Competition Award’. The team designed MoonLight, a safe, low-energy light using high efficiency Leds, a solar panel and pen-lite batteries. MoonLight aims to replace the millions of kerosene lights that are used and present a fire risk in straw and wooden houses in remote regions of Cambodia. The award comes with a prize of €12.500, which will be donated to Kamworks, in Cambodia, for producing the MoonLight.


The Casimir Research School, in which TU Delft and Leiden University are partners, has received 100,000 euro from Josina Casimir-Jonker, the widow of physicist Hendrik Casimir. The gift is in honor of the first anniversary of the research school, and in remembrance of the founder of the Casimir-effect, who would’ve been 100-years-old this year. The money is earmarked for the Hendrik Casimir Fund, which supports the educational pursuits of MSc students. 

Master award

Master’s students can now compete for the UfD-Strukton Master Award, a prize sponsored by the University Fund Delft and Strukton, a construction company. First prize is worth 5,000 euro, and the two runners-up prizes 2,500 euro each. To compete for these prizes, students must have written ‘a project, graduation or research report about sustainable ideas and groundbreaking solutions for improving the environment’. The closing date for submissions is 1 October 2009. For more information,

Help wanted

Freelance jobs available writing for Delta’s English Pages, as of August 2009, the start of the new academic year. We seek foreign students/staff to write articles in English, for payment, on a freelance basis. No experience necessary. We’re looking for enthusiastic, creative foreign students/staff to contribute articles, cartoons, illustrations and photographs. Interested, please send a brief introductory email to:

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