
News in Brief – Delta 19

Mount EverestErik Ravenstijn (25), a student at TU Delft’s Faculty of Civil Engineering, is the youngest Dutchman ever to climb to the top of Mount Everest.

Ravenstijn accomplished the feat on May 20th, as part of an international team of climbers. His climb to Everest’s peak took five days. In a blog post on May 15th, Ravenstijn wrote: “The waiting is over, the climb commences.” It was Ravenstijn’s first attempt to the reach the peak of the world’s tallest mountain.  

,Best graduate 2009

TU Delft aerospace engineering student Michiel van Schravendijk has won the ‘2009 Best Graduate Award’, which includes a  10,000 euro cash prize and a summer course at Harvard. The award, goes to the student who is deemed to have the highest potential of all competing students from Dutch universities. It should be noted, however, that the website of the organization running this competition is only in Dutch, meaning the competition was most likely not open to international students of Dutch universities as well. 

,Literary professor

Who needs a guest writer, when the TU has its own novelist in-house. Willemijn Dicke, an associate professor at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM), is earning critical acclaim for her recent debut novel, entitled ‘Mea’. Dicke is also one of the most widely-read bloggers in the country, with the NS magazine ‘Rails’ proclaiming her site ‘one of the five best literary blogs in the Netherlands’. Dicke’s specialist subjects at the TPM faculty include policy, organization, law and gaming. 


In late 2009, the city of Delft will appoint various ‘knowledge ambassadors’ who will be responsible for promoting the city abroad. These ambassadors will be charged with boosting the image of the city, as well as that of TU Delft and the city’s other knowledge institutes. Business people, researchers and students will serve as the ambassadors. Whether this opportunity is only open to TU Delft’s Dutch students is not yet known. 

Patijn werd eind september ernstig ziek na een kleine ingreep in het Rotterdamse Havenziekenhuis. Door een bacterie in het narcosemiddel was zijn toestand langdurig kritiek.

De decaan ligt niet meer in het Havenziekenhuis, maar in een ander hospitaal. Volgens Schoffelen is hij daar nu aan het revalideren. “Wij houden rekening met een herstel dat nog maanden kan duren. Hoeveel maanden is nog niet duidelijk. Op dit moment is alles gericht op zijn gezondheid.”
De faculteitssecretaris meldt dat er sprake is van grote opluchting binnen de faculteit nu er geen levensbedreigende situatie meer is. “Onze hoop is gericht op terugkeer. Elke week hopen we op beter nieuws. En elke week is er contact. We maken nu bezoekschemaatjes in overleg met de familie.”
Ondertussen staat bij Bouwkunde niks stil, zegt Schoffelen. “Alles is goed geregeld, ook het bouwproject aan de Julianalaan.” Daar worden nu twee serres gebouwd. 

Patijns taken worden sinds begin oktober waargenomen door Jan Rots, hoogleraar bij Bouwkunde en Civiele Techniek en Geowetenschappen. Alle zaken rondom de verhuizing naar het voormalige hoofdgebouw aan de Julianalaan zijn in handen van Hans Wamelink. Hans de Jonge begeleidt voorlopig de nieuwbouw van Bouwkunde.

Mount Everest

Erik Ravenstijn (25), a student at TU Delft’s Faculty of Civil Engineering, is the youngest Dutchman ever to climb to the top of Mount Everest. Ravenstijn accomplished the feat on May 20th, as part of an international team of climbers. His climb to Everest’s peak took five days. In a blog post on May 15th, Ravenstijn wrote: “The waiting is over, the climb commences.” It was Ravenstijn’s first attempt to the reach the peak of the world’s tallest mountain.  

Best graduate 2009

TU Delft aerospace engineering student Michiel van Schravendijk has won the ‘2009 Best Graduate Award’, which includes a  10,000 euro cash prize and a summer course at Harvard. The award, goes to the student who is deemed to have the highest potential of all competing students from Dutch universities. It should be noted, however, that the website of the organization running this competition is only in Dutch, meaning the competition was most likely not open to international students of Dutch universities as well. 

Literary professor

Who needs a guest writer, when the TU has its own novelist in-house. Willemijn Dicke, an associate professor at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM), is earning critical acclaim for her recent debut novel, entitled ‘Mea’. Dicke is also one of the most widely-read bloggers in the country, with the NS magazine ‘Rails’ proclaiming her site ‘one of the five best literary blogs in the Netherlands’. Dicke’s specialist subjects at the TPM faculty include policy, organization, law and gaming. 


In late 2009, the city of Delft will appoint various ‘knowledge ambassadors’ who will be responsible for promoting the city abroad. These ambassadors will be charged with boosting the image of the city, as well as that of TU Delft and the city’s other knowledge institutes. Business people, researchers and students will serve as the ambassadors. Whether this opportunity is only open to TU Delft’s Dutch students is not yet known. 

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