Student housingThe student-housing situation in Delft is perhaps not as dire as often depicted. Student rooms in Delft are less expensive and larger than in other Dutch university cities, although there are a higher percentage of students searching for rooms to rent in Delft than the national average, according to a survey conducted by the National Student Union (LSVb), which surveyed 1,625 students in the Netherlands last October.
263 TU Delft students participated in the survey. The study found that the average room rental price in Delft was 263.35 euro per month, which is approximately 20 euro lower than the national average. The floor space of an average student room in Delft is 20 m2, compared to the national average of 18 m2. At the time the survey was conducted in October 2008, 35.2 percent of the students surveyed were still searching for a room to rent; however, in Delft, that percentage was 42.5, the highest of all those surveyed.
,Bike racks
Student political party Stip, and the national political party Green Left Delft, are concerned about the number of bicycle racks available at Delft Central Station. Both parties say there aren’t enough racks now, and the situation will only get worse in future, as student enrollment numbers at TU Delft continue to rise. Delft municipality agrees, estimating that longer-term ‘national and local developments’ require that the station have 12,000 bicycle parking places. The station can currently accommodate approximately 6,000 bicycles.
,New clinic
TU Delft has opened a new student medical clinic. The clinic, which is especially intended for use by the university’s international community, is located at Leeghwaterstraat 152. Students can visit the clinic without an appointment every day from 11:00 to 12:00. Tuesdays, between 16:00 to 17:00, are reserved for sexual health matters.
Hoogleraren vinden dat de beste technische universiteit in Eindhoven staat, concludeert Elsevier in het themanummer Studeren van oktober 2008. Dat blijkt wel een erg algemene conclusie. Elsevier verstaat onder techniek namelijk alleen bouwkunde, elektrotechniek, technische informatica, technische bestuurskunde, natuurkunde, wiskunde en werktuigbouwkunde. Andere technische studierichtingen komen niet aan bod. Op basis van de studentenoordelen kan Elsevier in de technische hoek geen ‘winnaar’ aanwijzen.
Student housing
The student-housing situation in Delft is perhaps not as dire as often depicted. Student rooms in Delft are less expensive and larger than in other Dutch university cities, although there are a higher percentage of students searching for rooms to rent in Delft than the national average, according to a survey conducted by the National Student Union (LSVb), which surveyed 1,625 students in the Netherlands last October. 263 TU Delft students participated in the survey. The study found that the average room rental price in Delft was 263.35 euro per month, which is approximately 20 euro lower than the national average. The floor space of an average student room in Delft is 20 m2, compared to the national average of 18 m2. At the time the survey was conducted in October 2008, 35.2 percent of the students surveyed were still searching for a room to rent; however, in Delft, that percentage was 42.5, the highest of all those surveyed.
Bike racks
Student political party Stip, and the national political party Green Left Delft, are concerned about the number of bicycle racks available at Delft Central Station. Both parties say there aren’t enough racks now, and the situation will only get worse in future, as student enrollment numbers at TU Delft continue to rise. Delft municipality agrees, estimating that longer-term ‘national and local developments’ require that the station have 12,000 bicycle parking places. The station can currently accommodate approximately 6,000 bicycles.
New clinic
TU Delft has opened a new student medical clinic. The clinic, which is especially intended for use by the university’s international community, is located at Leeghwaterstraat 152. Students can visit the clinic without an appointment every day from 11:00 to 12:00. Tuesdays, between 16:00 to 17:00, are reserved for sexual health matters.

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