Guest writerFrom April to June, A.F.Th. van der Heijden will serve as TU Delft’s guest writer. Van der Heijden received the AKO Literature Prize in 2007.
His style is to often weave real-life people and events into his works of fiction. Van der Heijden’s guest authorship will consist of an opening lecture on Thursday, 17 April 2008 at TU Delft’s Aula, as well as a six-part master class. While everyone is welcome to attend the lecture, the master class is for TU Delft students only.
Gaming symposium
DOK, the library concept center, and the TU Delft Library, in collaboration with the ICT and Education and Student Affairs Shared Service Centers, are organizing an English/Dutch symposium on gaming. Today, gaming is almost omnipresent in our society. Children grow up with games, and these young people are the students of tomorrow. This symposium aims to show that gaming is a contemporary and essential new theme in libraries and educational programs.
Internet TV
P2P-Next, a pan-European conglomerate of 21 industrial partners, media content providers and research institutions, has received a €14 million grant from the European Union. The grant will enable the conglomerate to carry out a research project aiming to identify the potential uses of peer-to-peer (P2P) technology for Internet Television of the future. The partners, including the BBC, Delft University of Technology, the European Broadcasting Union, Lancaster University, Markenfilm, Pioneer and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, intend to develop a Europe-wide ‘next-generation’ internet television distribution system, based on P2P and social interaction. A spokesperson for the project said: “The P2P-Next project will run over two years, and plans to conduct a large-scale technical trial of new media applications running on a wide range of consumer devices. If successful, this ambitious project could create a platform that would enable audiences to stream and interact with live content via a PC or set top box. In addition, it is our intention to allow audiences to build communities around their favorite content via a fully personalized system.”
Guest writer
From April to June, A.F.Th. van der Heijden will serve as TU Delft’s guest writer. Van der Heijden received the AKO Literature Prize in 2007. His style is to often weave real-life people and events into his works of fiction. Van der Heijden’s guest authorship will consist of an opening lecture on Thursday, 17 April 2008 at TU Delft’s Aula, as well as a six-part master class. While everyone is welcome to attend the lecture, the master class is for TU Delft students only.
Gaming symposium
DOK, the library concept center, and the TU Delft Library, in collaboration with the ICT and Education and Student Affairs Shared Service Centers, are organizing an English/Dutch symposium on gaming. Today, gaming is almost omnipresent in our society. Children grow up with games, and these young people are the students of tomorrow. This symposium aims to show that gaming is a contemporary and essential new theme in libraries and educational programs.
Internet TV
P2P-Next, a pan-European conglomerate of 21 industrial partners, media content providers and research institutions, has received a €14 million grant from the European Union. The grant will enable the conglomerate to carry out a research project aiming to identify the potential uses of peer-to-peer (P2P) technology for Internet Television of the future. The partners, including the BBC, Delft University of Technology, the European Broadcasting Union, Lancaster University, Markenfilm, Pioneer and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, intend to develop a Europe-wide ‘next-generation’ internet television distribution system, based on P2P and social interaction. A spokesperson for the project said: “The P2P-Next project will run over two years, and plans to conduct a large-scale technical trial of new media applications running on a wide range of consumer devices. If successful, this ambitious project could create a platform that would enable audiences to stream and interact with live content via a PC or set top box. In addition, it is our intention to allow audiences to build communities around their favorite content via a fully personalized system.”

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