
News in brief

Swindler’s adThere’s a swindler at work in Delft, and Duwo, the TU student housing company, has posted a warning in the Aula about him. Apparently, the swindler places small ads in supermarkets and Bookshop Waltman, offering a one-room apartment for rent.

The swindler’s victims must then sign a contract and pay the first month’s rent. But by the time they get to the apartment to move in, the lock has been changed. The swindler uses an apartment located on the Nieuwe Plantage and the rent is approximately 260 euros. Those who have been victimized so far include first-year students and foreign students, yet only one person has so far

reported being swindled to the police. For more information, contact the DUWO Kamerwinkel, 015 % 219 2222.

TU Buys starship

The TU has bought the ‘North Holland’ pavilion for 1 euro. The pavilion was featured at the Floriade, the world agricultural exhibition held every ten years in Holland. This virtual reality pavilion was designed by TU professor Kas Oosterhuis, of the Architecture faculty. The pavilion must be disassembled before it

arrives at the TU in December. And then the TU must get a construction license to rebuild it at an estimated cost of 380,000 euro. The pavilion will remain on the TU campus for 15 years. The inside of the pavilion will become a ‘protospace’, where 3-dimensional images will surround engineers from different faculties. “Protospace has to be the catalyst for a close collaboration between disciplines like architecture, civil engineering, aerospace engineering and informatics,” Oosterhuis says.

Announcements, in English, are on page ??. If you have short announcements to place, please send them to us at:

Swindler’s ad

There’s a swindler at work in Delft, and Duwo, the TU student housing company, has posted a warning in the Aula about him. Apparently, the swindler places small ads in supermarkets and Bookshop Waltman, offering a one-room apartment for rent. The swindler’s victims must then sign a contract and pay the first month’s rent. But by the time they get to the apartment to move in, the lock has been changed. The swindler uses an apartment located on the Nieuwe Plantage and the rent is approximately 260 euros. Those who have been victimized so far include first-year students and foreign students, yet only one person has so far

reported being swindled to the police. For more information, contact the DUWO Kamerwinkel, 015 % 219 2222.

TU Buys starship

The TU has bought the ‘North Holland’ pavilion for 1 euro. The pavilion was featured at the Floriade, the world agricultural exhibition held every ten years in Holland. This virtual reality pavilion was designed by TU professor Kas Oosterhuis, of the Architecture faculty. The pavilion must be disassembled before it

arrives at the TU in December. And then the TU must get a construction license to rebuild it at an estimated cost of 380,000 euro. The pavilion will remain on the TU campus for 15 years. The inside of the pavilion will become a ‘protospace’, where 3-dimensional images will surround engineers from different faculties. “Protospace has to be the catalyst for a close collaboration between disciplines like architecture, civil engineering, aerospace engineering and informatics,” Oosterhuis says.

Announcements, in English, are on page ??. If you have short announcements to place, please send them to us at:

Editor Redactie

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