
News in Brief

Delft to merge with Leiden in ten years – TU most popular with Dutch employers Delft to merge with Leiden in ten yearsDr. Nico de Voogd, president of the TU’s executive board, wants the TU to merge with Leiden University in ten years time.

They already conduct research together and organise the course, Life science and technology. Currently, negotiations are taking place to join the Delft and Leiden chemistry departments. De Voogd has high hopes for the merger of natural sciences, as well as Delft’s aerospace engineering and Leiden’s astronomy departments. The president also thinks co-operation in nanotechnology should be intensified, whereas certain research areas at civil engineering and marine technology could vanish. But, he says, ”merging is a delicate process and the whole university population must be involved. A merge can’t be commanded.”

TU most popular with Dutch employers

Rotterdam’s Erasmus University asked five hundred employers to rate the various Dutch universities. With a score 7.9 on a scale to 10, TU was by far the highest rated. TU Delft engineers are deemed to be highly qualified and TU research is thought to be fundamental and internationally authoritative.

Delft to merge with Leiden in ten years

Dr. Nico de Voogd, president of the TU’s executive board, wants the TU to merge with Leiden University in ten years time. They already conduct research together and organise the course, Life science and technology. Currently, negotiations are taking place to join the Delft and Leiden chemistry departments. De Voogd has high hopes for the merger of natural sciences, as well as Delft’s aerospace engineering and Leiden’s astronomy departments. The president also thinks co-operation in nanotechnology should be intensified, whereas certain research areas at civil engineering and marine technology could vanish. But, he says, ”merging is a delicate process and the whole university population must be involved. A merge can’t be commanded.”

TU most popular with Dutch employers

Rotterdam’s Erasmus University asked five hundred employers to rate the various Dutch universities. With a score 7.9 on a scale to 10, TU was by far the highest rated. TU Delft engineers are deemed to be highly qualified and TU research is thought to be fundamental and internationally authoritative.

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