Today, the TU announced its new strategy for the coming five to ten years. Entitled ‘Uncompromisingly striving for quality’, the TU’s executive board is still figuring out how to implement this strategy.
A summary of the most important plans follow:
Annual screening of TU research: research groups that don’t score high enough according to international standards must improve or be phased out. Funds will be distributed among groups in a new way: numbers of publications is no longer the only criteria. Instead, the TU’s executive board will make funding decisions in future. Sections of Marine Technology are especially threatened.
Emphasis on fundamental research: commercial research will still be possible; in fact, more money is required from this source. To guarantee it’s objectivity, TU board president De Voogd wants an ethics supervision committee. Education will also be ‘research driven’.
English-language during MSc: after completing a three-year BSc, which cover more than just pure technical subjects, students must take an exam in order to do an MSc degree. The MSc program will have a professional character and no TU MSc programs will be designsated ‘top masters’, as all courses are equally excellent, De Voogd says. The first-year courses propaedeuse) for some programs will be made tougher, as they are an indication of how well students will do in the rest of the course.
Fixed relation students % professional staff: currently this ratio differs enormously between faculties. De Voogd doesn’t rule out a student quota at Architecture.
Today, the TU announced its new strategy for the coming five to ten years. Entitled ‘Uncompromisingly striving for quality’, the TU’s executive board is still figuring out how to implement this strategy. A summary of the most important plans follow:
Annual screening of TU research: research groups that don’t score high enough according to international standards must improve or be phased out. Funds will be distributed among groups in a new way: numbers of publications is no longer the only criteria. Instead, the TU’s executive board will make funding decisions in future. Sections of Marine Technology are especially threatened.
Emphasis on fundamental research: commercial research will still be possible; in fact, more money is required from this source. To guarantee it’s objectivity, TU board president De Voogd wants an ethics supervision committee. Education will also be ‘research driven’.
English-language during MSc: after completing a three-year BSc, which cover more than just pure technical subjects, students must take an exam in order to do an MSc degree. The MSc program will have a professional character and no TU MSc programs will be designsated ‘top masters’, as all courses are equally excellent, De Voogd says. The first-year courses propaedeuse) for some programs will be made tougher, as they are an indication of how well students will do in the rest of the course.
Fixed relation students % professional staff: currently this ratio differs enormously between faculties. De Voogd doesn’t rule out a student quota at Architecture.

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