
News in Brief

Co-operation Delft – Leiden possibly extended to chemical engineeringRumours say that the TU’s chemical engineering and Leiden University’s chemistry course will merge.

Faced with student council inquiries, Rector Magnificus, Karel Wakker, demanded to be given time to phrase an official reaction. It appears that negotiations have just begun. The faculty’s student council has seen a few documents on the subject, but they didn’t contain concrete plans. The council has learned that a project team has been formed to study the proposed

co-operation. TU students fear that technology component would suffer in the new merged course, with preference given to Leiden’s pure chemistry and theory, not technology.

Two new architectural exchange programmes

The faculty of Architecture will start two new international exchange programmes, in August. The European Union has granted funds to new three-year programme, called ‘Global imperative for architecture education.’ Three universities from Europe (Weimar, Venice, Delft) and three from the United States (Pennsylvania, Chicago, Los Angeles) are involved in the project. Besides participating in joint-workshops, six senior European students will study for six months in America, while the Americans, in turn, study in Europe. The second exchange programme will co-operate with MIT. Beginning in August,

two TU Delft students will receive grants to study six months in Boston, and two MIT students will come to Delft.

Sandbags protecting toilets

Sandbags were used to keep the TU library toilets from flooding with sewage water. Because the library’s at the TU’s lowest point, problems occur during heavy rainfall. TU’s pumping-station can’t cope, causing high water levels in the sewage system. Drainpipe lids start floating, and toilets refuse to flush. Although the library’s toilets aren’t flooded at the moment, the stench is dreadful.

Co-operation Delft – Leiden possibly extended to chemical engineering

Rumours say that the TU’s chemical engineering and Leiden University’s chemistry course will merge. Faced with student council inquiries, Rector Magnificus, Karel Wakker, demanded to be given time to phrase an official reaction. It appears that negotiations have just begun. The faculty’s student council has seen a few documents on the subject, but they didn’t contain concrete plans. The council has learned that a project team has been formed to study the proposed

co-operation. TU students fear that technology component would suffer in the new merged course, with preference given to Leiden’s pure chemistry and theory, not technology.

Two new architectural exchange programmes

The faculty of Architecture will start two new international exchange programmes, in August. The European Union has granted funds to new three-year programme, called ‘Global imperative for architecture education.’ Three universities from Europe (Weimar, Venice, Delft) and three from the United States (Pennsylvania, Chicago, Los Angeles) are involved in the project. Besides participating in joint-workshops, six senior European students will study for six months in America, while the Americans, in turn, study in Europe. The second exchange programme will co-operate with MIT. Beginning in August,

two TU Delft students will receive grants to study six months in Boston, and two MIT students will come to Delft.

Sandbags protecting toilets

Sandbags were used to keep the TU library toilets from flooding with sewage water. Because the library’s at the TU’s lowest point, problems occur during heavy rainfall. TU’s pumping-station can’t cope, causing high water levels in the sewage system. Drainpipe lids start floating, and toilets refuse to flush. Although the library’s toilets aren’t flooded at the moment, the stench is dreadful.

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