

UnveiledDutch universities have agreed to prohibit students from wearing veils. According to the VSNU, the national association of Dutch universities, students’ faces must be clearly visible.

Veils prevent students from communicating properly during academic work groups, the VSNU reports. Leiden University was the first university to prohibit veils. Now, the VSNU plans to extend the ban to all universities in the Netherlands.

In the red

The annual report of the association of Dutch universities (VSNU) reveals that seven of the country’s 14 universities are spending more money than they take in. The VSNU is concerned, because the universities’ assets are decreasing and universities are becoming increasingly dependent on bank loans. The report states that Dutch researchers are still valued on an international level, but that investments in research are falling behind, because the business community isn’t contributing sufficient funds. Moreover, the amount of money available to spend on each student is decreasing annually, which seriously limits the country’s ambition to be a knowledge society.

Help wanted

Part-time jobs available writing for Delta’s English Page. We seek foreign students/staff to write articles in English, for payment. No experience necessary. We%re also interested in foreign students to work for us as cartoonists, illustrators and photographers. Interested, please send a brief introductory email to:


Dutch universities have agreed to prohibit students from wearing veils. According to the VSNU, the national association of Dutch universities, students’ faces must be clearly visible. Veils prevent students from communicating properly during academic work groups, the VSNU reports. Leiden University was the first university to prohibit veils. Now, the VSNU plans to extend the ban to all universities in the Netherlands.

In the red

The annual report of the association of Dutch universities (VSNU) reveals that seven of the country’s 14 universities are spending more money than they take in. The VSNU is concerned, because the universities’ assets are decreasing and universities are becoming increasingly dependent on bank loans. The report states that Dutch researchers are still valued on an international level, but that investments in research are falling behind, because the business community isn’t contributing sufficient funds. Moreover, the amount of money available to spend on each student is decreasing annually, which seriously limits the country’s ambition to be a knowledge society.

Help wanted

Part-time jobs available writing for Delta’s English Page. We seek foreign students/staff to write articles in English, for payment. No experience necessary. We%re also interested in foreign students to work for us as cartoonists, illustrators and photographers. Interested, please send a brief introductory email to:

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