New Collective Labour Agreement: wage increase and bonus
University employees receive a wage increase of 3 percent plus a bonus of 750 euros. At least, if the union members approve the agreement of the negotiators. The new CAO will apply until 1 January 2021. The wage increase will apply from 1 June. Anyone working at the university at that time will also receive a one-off payment of 750 euros gross (or for part-time employees: part of it). The negotiators see the consequences of the corona crisis for temporary staff and reserve money for this: 0.45 percent of the ‘salary margin’. By that they mean 0.45% of the total wage costs at the universities.
It should be known by 5 June at the latest whether the employers (united in the VSNU) and the members of the trade unions (FNV, CNV Overheid, AOb and AC/FBZ) agree to the agreement. (HOP, Bas Belleman)

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