Mud plus dung makes eco house
If you want to build affordable, durable and desirable houses, consider mixing clay or mud with dung to use as a building material, says Dr Yask Kulshreshtha. He defended his PhD thesis on Thursday, 6 October 2022.
“People here tend to think that earthen houses are a solution for Africa or Asia, but not for the Netherlands.” Kulshreshtha begs to differ. Adding cow dung to mud makes the bricks water resistant and fit for a wet climate, as he showed with an experimental wall in The Green Village. And because the mud bricks don’t need to be fired, it saves lots of energy and costs.
‘Communication of scientific research through YouTube has more impact (especially for earthen construction) than publishing scientific articles’, is one of Kulshreshtha’s propositions. So, here’s his video:
- Read also: Building with shit that matters
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