
More time to spend ‘corona money’

More time to spend ‘corona money’



Minister Dijkgraaf is giving higher education and vocational education (MBO) a year longer to support students and researchers who got stuck during the corona pandemic and suffered delays.


The universities of applied sciences and the universities have only spent 6 per cent of the crisis money that the Cabinet made available to them at the beginning of last year in the National Programme for Education (NPO).


Because of the new lockdown in December and January, they had to pull out all the stops to keep education running, writes Minister Dijkgraaf to the Lower House (in Dutch). Furthermore, they were cautious about hiring new staff or could not find them easily given the labour shortage. The minister is calling on the institutions to do everything in their power and is giving them an extra year – until 2024 – to implement all the plans properly. (HOP, HC)


HOP Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

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