Energy policy is playing an increasingly important role in the EU. In order to raise awareness on the importance of this issue, the Energy Club of TU Delft is hosting a Masterclass on European Energy Policy on May 19 2014.
According to the European Commission website, the agenda presented in January 2014 for the EU seeks to drive continued progress towards a low-carbon economy. It “aims to build a competitive and secure energy system that ensures affordable energy for all consumers, increases the security of the EU’s energy supplies, reduces our dependence on energy imports and creates new opportunities for growth and jobs.”
The Masterclass event, which is more in depth than a lecture, comes at a critical time as on May 22-25 EU voters will elect a new European Parliament. Four experts have been invited to share their knowledge and experience as it relates to European energy policy. Topics will include a discussion on how EU policy is made, the scope of EU energy policy, the alignment of national energy policy with EU policy, and the role of research and knowledge in the development of European energy policy.
“Students don’t understand about the elections, how they influence companies and institutions like TU Delft,” said Anna Hofgärtner, a master’s student in sustainable energy technology (SET) and commissioner of external relations for the Energy Club. “We want to show the different actors and how policy translates and impacts everyone.”
Energy Club secretary Frits Dankers, a master’s student in technology, policy and management (TPM), is hoping the event helps to raise awareness for students. “I hope the benefits of the EU will be stressed,” he says. “EU policy is extremely complex and will become increasingly important in the future.” Hofgärtner agreed, saying, “It’s like a spider web. You may not understand such a complicated topic, but we hope to make it clear.”
“We are lucky to be able to work with people from Delft Energy Initiative and have connections to a lot of interesting speakers,” Dankers adds. The program will feature speakers from academia, the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The event will take place on May 192014 at the Faculty of TPM, lecture room A, from 15:00 to 18:30. There is no cost to attend and snacks and drinks will be provided in the evening. Space is limited so timely registration is advised. For more information visit
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