
Master Event

If you are thinking about starting a master’s degree at TU Delft in the next academic year then mark Thursday, April 3 2014on your calendar. The twice yearly Master Event will be held at the Aula Conference Centre on the TU Delft campus.

This event is the perfect opportunity for getting practical and detailed information regarding the Master’s programmes offered at TU Delft. There will be representatives on hand from every program to answer questions and give advice.

According to Yvon van der Meer, Head of Marketing and Communications for Technology, Policy & Management, the event is targeted at three different groups. Firstly, they are reaching out to students from other universities that are nearly finished with or have recently finished with their bachelor’s degree. The second target group is bachelor’s students from the Dutch HBOs, or universities of Applied Science. And lastly, organizers are targeting current TU Delft bachelor’s students who want to pursue a master’s in a field different from their current studies. Bachelor’s students who are pursuing a master’s degree in the same field of study are invited to attend an event organized by their faculty. . 

Although the event is targeted mostly at Dutch students, it is open to all and the full day will be held in English. International students are welcome to attend. “For us it is very important that we attract the right students,” stated Van der Meer. “What we are doing is trying to give the best information possible about the programmes on offer.”

The Master Event is held in the TU Delft Aula and begins at 14:30 with guided tours of the faculties. These visits give prospective students a chance to see what the environment and culture are like within the chosen faculty. Afterwards, Timo Kos, Director of Education and Student Affairs, will be giving words of welcome in the Auditorium of the Aula Conference Centre, followed by an information market with academic counselors, master’s students and master’s programme coordinators from each programme.

Attendees can choose from four different rounds of programme presentations. Every master’s programme will present, having twenty-five minutes to go through their programme and curriculum. Representatives will also discuss career prospects in their field, which Van der Meer noted is very important for prospective students. You can see a list of the specific presentations on the TU Delft website.

Van der Meer noted that they normally have around a thousand attendees and space is limited. Registration is required and you can register using an online form.  For more information about the general event visit the TU Delft website

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