‘Make inclusive education the norm’
Many universities of applies sciences and universities in the Netherlands endorse the idea that a disability should not be a barrier to education. However, students still encounter practical problems.
Elevators that are not accessible to those with visual impairments, entrances impassable for wheelchair users, and unusable websites or educational apps persist. The intention to make education accessible to everyone is widespread, but, as the Expertise Centre for Inclusive Education (ECIO) writes in its State of Inclusive Education 2023 report (De Staat van Inclusief Onderwijs 2023, in Dutch) released on Thursday 16 November, “despite an increase in awareness and support, the implementation lags behind”.
Consider a national standard
ECIO relies on existing research, so the numbers in the report are not new. However, the expertise center draws a new conclusion: perhaps it is time for a national standard for inclusive education. This way, every student knows what to expect at a minimum – for example, “that each educational building has at least one accessible entrance or restroom”. (HOP, OL)

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