
The magic of everyday life

A hammer is something to hit nails with, and a car is something to transport yourself around in. Both statements are true, but for Industrial Design Engineers (IO) only the first statements is correct.

For them, it isn’t only about what products can do for

you, it%s also about the feeling products give you. If products didn%t provide feeling, everybody would drive meaningless cars. Therefore, Suzuki off-road cars are designed to look like real Jeeps.

The exhibition ‘The Magic of Everyday Life’ showcases 40 products and projects that Delft IO engineers have made or are in the process of making for companies, institutes and governmental bodies. According to Annemiek van Boeijen, one of the members of the organization committee and a member of Industrial Design department, the %magic% of an everyday product must be considered and discovered before the product is designed. “In the exhibition, we show visitors the realm of thought of the designers that is behind every product.”

Like, for example, the thought-process behind the light manikin, a resuscitation doll from Norwegian designer Børge Lund, who, believing that First-Aid students should experience something when practicing on resuscitation dolls, has added a feature that

brings the doll to life. If students resuscitate the doll correctly, the doll starts glowing. If not, the doll remains blue, just like a real person. In addition to products, the exhibition features sketches and product simulations. To provide order to the tremendous diversity of products and research topics, the exhibition is organized under eight different themes. For more info, check out, which is in English and Dutch.

The exhibition opens today at 16:30 at the Faculty of

Industrial Design and runs until November 29th.

A hammer is something to hit nails with, and a car is something to transport yourself around in. Both statements are true, but for Industrial Design Engineers (IO) only the first statements is correct. For them, it isn’t only about what products can do for

you, it%s also about the feeling products give you. If products didn%t provide feeling, everybody would drive meaningless cars. Therefore, Suzuki off-road cars are designed to look like real Jeeps.

The exhibition ‘The Magic of Everyday Life’ showcases 40 products and projects that Delft IO engineers have made or are in the process of making for companies, institutes and governmental bodies. According to Annemiek van Boeijen, one of the members of the organization committee and a member of Industrial Design department, the %magic% of an everyday product must be considered and discovered before the product is designed. “In the exhibition, we show visitors the realm of thought of the designers that is behind every product.”

Like, for example, the thought-process behind the light manikin, a resuscitation doll from Norwegian designer Børge Lund, who, believing that First-Aid students should experience something when practicing on resuscitation dolls, has added a feature that

brings the doll to life. If students resuscitate the doll correctly, the doll starts glowing. If not, the doll remains blue, just like a real person. In addition to products, the exhibition features sketches and product simulations. To provide order to the tremendous diversity of products and research topics, the exhibition is organized under eight different themes. For more info, check out, which is in English and Dutch.

The exhibition opens today at 16:30 at the Faculty of

Industrial Design and runs until November 29th.

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