LSVb would not talk to PVV Minister

The current board of the National Students’ Union (LSVb) would not enter into talks with a PVV Education Minister, if there were to be one. That is what president Elisa Weehuizen says.

According to Weehuizen, the LSVb, which stems from local student unions and has an activist streak, should ‘remain consistently opposed to racism and discrimination’. “If a party comes to power that has made really racist statements, that’s just a line for us,” she said.

She adds, however, that that may be different for a new board (which changes annually). The LSVb is currently seeking succession. It usually takes office in April.

The other national student organisation has a different approach. The ISO, which emerges from the participation councils, will definitely keep talking, says president Demi Janssen. “Students should expect us to continue our unabated commitment to every student. To do so, we need to engage with all political parties precisely to convince them of our ideas. As the ISO, we will always continue to stand up for good and accessible education in which every student feels supported.”

HOP, Bas Belleman

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