Onder druk van de universiteiten en hogescholen laat minister Leers de legesverhoging voor niet-EU-studenten pas op 1 september ingaan. Het kort geding dat VSNU en HBO-raad hadden aangespannen is afgeblazen.
Minister Leers had de leges per 1 juli fors verhoogd, waardoor een grote groep buitenlandse studenten plotseling werd geconfronteerd met een onverwachte kostenstijging. Door het uitstel met twee maanden hoeft het leeuwendeel van hen de verhoging niet te betalen.
Bij toekomstige legesverhogingen zal er in het vervolg overleg plaatsvinden met de hogescholen en universiteiten. Hun brancheverenigingen zijn blij met de uitkomst, maar blijven van mening dat legesverhogingen in schril contrast staan met de kabinetsambities om Nederland terug te brengen in de wereldtop vijf van kenniseconomieën.
All summer long the Delft male students have been looking forward to the start of the new academic year. Was that because many interesting courses were about to start? No! It was because a new (limited) batch of girls was about to arrive in Delft. Every year guys look forward to this moment and maybe this year is going to be your year.
The best way to get yourself in the game, was by becoming a mentor during the freshmen weekend or Owee. Guys who weren’t already part of a student association, could have chosen to sign up and support their potential girlfriends throughout their initiation period. More drastic measures could involve deciding to redo a few first year courses, just to get yourself in the picture with these new beauties.
Now what if you missed out on all opportunities mentioned above? Don’t worry, it is not too late yet. New girls arriving first want to explore what Delft has to offer them. But you have to make your move fast, thousands of fellow students are out looking for girls as well. Another reason not to hesitate is that it will not take the new girls long to figure out they have just landed in ‘male heaven’. Within three months they will turn in to the arrogant, inapproachable girls you were familiar with from last year.
So take your chance while you still can. Visit some of the student parties or join that committee. But most important, make your move! The highest possibility of success is now. Keep in mind that some of these girls might have actually come to study here for the guys. Profit from that, before they change their mind. So go out and land your gal, if all fails, Leiden is always no more than twenty minutes away.
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