
Laptops again stolen on campus

Laptops are again being stolen on campus. This time at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management.

(Foto: Dorine van Gorp)

Three weeks ago TU Delft Library was hit and last week it was the turn of TPM. At least three laptops disappeared from the locked rooms of staff members. The Integrale Veiligheid security services do not yet want to divulge the number as they are investigating the case with IT & Facilities Management services.

At present, there is no reason to believe that the theft in TPM is linked to that in the Library, says Amer Gobeljic of Integrale Veiligheid. On 20 February, some laptops and telephones were stolen in the Library. “We are currently investigating the thefts so I cannot say too much about them,” says Gobeljic.

Gobeljic has not heard whether laptops have been stolen from other faculties, but his department will run checks. He is also unable to say anything about damages. He has reported to incidence to the police, as have the staff members themselves.

TPM staff are advised not to leave their laptops behind in the evening and weekends. Instead, they are to lock them in drawers or cupboards. “Fit your laptop with a lock, even if your room is locked,” adds Gobeljic. And always put valuables out of sight.”

News editor Connie van Uffelen

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