Join the Digital University Day
Since March, nothing has been as it was. And that also applies to TU Delft staff who suddenly had to do everything remotely: education, academic ceremonies, doctoral degrees and congresses. For the time being, the one-and-a-half-metre society is here to stay. Hence, employees of the TU Delft events agency and colleagues from Tilburg took the initiative to arrange a Digital University Day on 26 November.
Learn from best practices and brainstorm with colleagues at this virtual event, the flyer promises. The afternoon programme (from 12:00 to 17:00) offers lectures, side sessions, a business market and network speed dating.
There are a limited number of free tickets available for TU Delft employees. To register, sign up using your TU Delft email address and the discount code. If you haven’t received a discount code in the internal newsletter, email for the code.

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