TU Delft iGEM fights locusts with phages
The TU Delft team has been highly praised in the international iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) competition in which applied genetics is used to combat global problems. The TU Delft iGEM 2020 team focused on the locust plague that hit East Africa this year. It developed a bio-pesticide that precisely targets bacteriophages – viruses that infect bacteria – quickly and safely. Locusts ingest genetically updated bacteriophages sprayed on leaves. Once in the intestinal tract, the phages infect bacteria that start producing toxins that kill the locust.
The team received eight prizes and five nominations for this idea and working it out. Never before has a Delft iGEM team received so many awards. (JW)
A short film explains the application:
Video: iGEM team Delft 2020

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