Staatssecretaris Halbe Zijlstra van onderwijs verwacht dat hogescholen en universiteiten nog eens nagaan of de identiteit van studenten bij tentamens goed wordt vastgesteld.
Hij schrijft dat naar aanleiding van de identiteitsfraude bij tentamens bij Hogeschool Windesheim. Vorige maand bleek dat studenten van die hogeschool andermans tentamens konden maken met een vervalste studiepas. D66 en de PvdA wilden van Zijlstra weten of instellingen wel genoeg expertise bezitten om bij tentamens een adequate controle uit te voeren.
Zijlstra laat weten dat instellingen zelf verantwoordelijk zijn voor de identiteitscontrole bij tentamens, maar gaat er vanuit dat ze hun beveiliging nog eens onder de loep nemen. Ze zouden, net als Windesheim besloten heeft, deelnemers aan tentamens kunnen verplichten een officieel identiteitsbewijs te laten zien.
Scientific director
The Trail Research School has appointed professor Ben Immers as its new scientific director. Immers – who succeeds professor Henk van Zuylen – was also recently appointed as professor at TU Delft. He has broad experience in the area of transport and traffic. In recent years he has been involved in research and applications of traffic management and incident management; advised national governments in transportation planning and network development; and remains actively involved research programs.
One-party state
In recent years two student political parties have served on TU Delft’s Student Council: Oras, which narrowly focuses on student associations, and AAG, which represents the wider interests of the student community. Now that AAG has decided to withdraw, students have less choice in the upcoming student council elections scheduled for May 26-27. Hans Krul, TU Delft’s executive secretary, is disappointed: “Last week, for instance, the chair of the Student Council expressed support for a system of selective intake. I think it it’s safe to assume that not all students are in favour of this, but there is a real danger that the diversity of opinions on such subjects will diminish in future.” Moreover, TU Delft is currently facing far-reaching decisions. Working cooperation with student representatives is a useful factor in this respect. Krul: “They keep the management on their toes. These are clever, involved students and discussing important issues…with them always adds weight to the arguments. Input from the student council has convinced us to alter our plans on several occasions.”
Mumps outbreak
The mumps virus is still circulating among TU Delft’s student community. The mumps virus is highly infectious and can be spread through coughing, sneezing or talking face-to-face. In rare cases, complications can occur, so students should be aware of the symptoms: these include fever, headache, and swelling of the cheeks and jaw. Should you suffer from these symptoms, check with your doctor.
Echo winner
Last week saw the presentation of the 10th annual Echo Awards, which are incentive prizes for talented young people who come from non-Dutch backgrounds. Each year two awards especially for science and technology students are awarded in association with the ‘Platform Bèta Technology’. And this year TU Delft couldn’t lose, as both nominees in this category were from TU Delft: Loubna Aammari, a second year student in computer science, and Youssef El Bouhassani, a fourth year aerospace engineering student. El Bouhassani was the chosen as the winner. As part of the award, he will attend a summer course held at UCLA (US) and also serve as an ambassador for young people facing study choices. This is a role that will suit him well, as his motivation for winning was, he said, his desire “to share my experiences and successes with others who are going through the same things I did”.
Beer test
Drinking beer the night before exams doesn’t negatively affect exam performance the next day. Researchers at the Boston School of Public Health had 193 students drink large quantities of beer the night before exams: each male student drank 1.5 litres of beer in one hour, while female students drank one litre in one hour. The next day they took exams. The large quantities of beer drunk the night before had no affect on exam performance.
Orange Loper
TU Delft has won the 2010 Oranje Loper Award, given to the Dutch university that provides its internationals students with the best selection of academic, social and cultural activities during the academic year. The university received the award on Tuesday, March 30, during Nuffic’s Annual Congress.

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