Take Page 4’s Twenty Question Quiz and win a fl.25 gift certificate for shops and restaurants in Delft. To take our quiz online, go to our website (www.d
elta.tudelft.nl) and cut-paste-email your answers to delta@tudelft.nl (subject: Page 4 quiz); or mail your answers to: Delta, Zuidplantsoen 4, 2628BZ Delft. Answers must be received before November 20th.
What’s the first name of TU Rector Wakker?
Which ear did Vincent van Gogh cut off?
How many Dutch provinces are there?
Which company did TU President Hans van Luijk work for prior to joining the TU?
How many countries comprise the EU?
Who is head of the European Central Bank?
Where is the ID café?
What is Rembrandt’s last name?
Name the composite material that was developed by TU Aerospace Engineering and is being used in the construction of the new Airbus A380 jumbo jet?
What does UNHCR stand for?
Which city will host the 2002 Winter Olympics?
How many genes comprise the bakery yeast genome, workhorse of
TU Delft biotechnology?
What much-used Dutch word means ‘cosy’ or ‘convivial’?
What’s the name of Holland’s largest political party?
What’s larger, a proton or a neutron?
Which is taller, the TU’s Electrotechnic building or Delft’s New Church (Nieuwe Kerk)?
Which famous Dutch guy has his statue on Delft’s market (markt) square?
How long are the blades on the largest wind turbine in the Netherlands?
Which planets are larger than Earth?
Name Holland’s five Wadden islands?
Take Page 4’s Twenty Question Quiz and win a fl.25 gift certificate for shops and restaurants in Delft. To take our quiz online, go to our website (www.delta.tudelft.nl) and cut-paste-email your answers to delta@tudelft.nl (subject: Page 4 quiz); or mail your answers to: Delta, Zuidplantsoen 4, 2628BZ Delft. Answers must be received before November 20th.
What’s the first name of TU Rector Wakker?
Which ear did Vincent van Gogh cut off?
How many Dutch provinces are there?
Which company did TU President Hans van Luijk work for prior to joining the TU?
How many countries comprise the EU?
Who is head of the European Central Bank?
Where is the ID café?
What is Rembrandt’s last name?
Name the composite material that was developed by TU Aerospace Engineering and is being used in the construction of the new Airbus A380 jumbo jet?
What does UNHCR stand for?
Which city will host the 2002 Winter Olympics?
How many genes comprise the bakery yeast genome, workhorse of
TU Delft biotechnology?
What much-used Dutch word means ‘cosy’ or ‘convivial’?
What’s the name of Holland’s largest political party?
What’s larger, a proton or a neutron?
Which is taller, the TU’s Electrotechnic building or Delft’s New Church (Nieuwe Kerk)?
Which famous Dutch guy has his statue on Delft’s market (markt) square?
How long are the blades on the largest wind turbine in the Netherlands?
Which planets are larger than Earth?
Name Holland’s five Wadden islands?

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