This summer I will join the Nour project of AEISEC, which is a volunteering project with the aim to ‘bridge the gap between the Arab and Western world’.
I will work on the project MyHome – Sa3ed Refugees in Lebanon, with my base in Beirut. I will stay in Lebanon in July and August. During my time abroad I will give weekly updates on this website and via Facebook. At the bottom of this page you can subscribe to follow the website, so you will be updated every time I post something. Please share my story with your friends and family who you think would be interested to hear about the refugee camps in Lebanon and my experiences.
Why Nour?
In our multicultural society, where many different cultures live side by side, it’s important that we create a peaceful world where people accept cultural differences and, more importantly, understand similarities between one another. The Nour Project aims to foster this understanding in young people. Create an informed opinion and discover the beauty of the Arab culture.
Introduction about the project:
Since the start of the Syrian Crisis in 2011, over 1.1 million registered Syrian refugees have come to Lebanon. This number does not count the number of unregistered refugees nor does it include the number of Palestinian refugees which also runs up to 500 thousand. This puts Lebanon on top of the list worldwide when it comes to the number of refugees per capita with having one refugee for every 4 Lebanese citizens. With the refugees aged between 5 and 18 years old representing 1/3 of the refugees in Lebanon, a main concern arising is the lifestyle these children and teenagers are provided with, especially when it comes to education and psycho-social support.
During this project I will work in the refugee camps to work with kids within the shelter sites, where I want to give these kids a positive vibe. We will work with camps through university. The activities will revolve around topics that include: arts and crafts, sports, girl activities, peace building, enhancing practical skills and much more.
Source: Project description by AEISEC LAU
I’m excited to go and keep you informed!

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