Half a billion euro for digitalisation of education

Half a billion euro for digitalisation of education

Through the National Growth Fund, the Dutch government is investing a maximum of 6.3 billion euros in projects that contribute to the future ‘earning capacity’ of the Netherlands. A part of this amount, 560 million euros, will go to the digitalisation of higher education and vocational education (mbo).

The institutions will jointly invest in a digital infrastructure. In the coming eight years, they will also each set up their own ‘centre for teaching and learning’. Teachers can go there for advice and training on reforming their teaching. Just like the students, they must soon be able to use digital facilities and learning environments without any concerns about their privacy.

Further training

The government also considers it important that publicly funded institutions of higher education and vocational education (mbo) respond better to the educational needs of people in employment. From the Growth Fund, they will receive €167 million – and conditionally another €225 million – to boost lifelong development.

Over the next five years, the institutions want to focus first on the further training of staff involved in the energy transition. “The allocation from the Growth Fund will allow us to train large groups of professionals who will all contribute to the societal challenges we face”, says Pieter Duisenberg of universities association UNL. “There is no better investment in a healthy knowledge economy.” (HOP, HC)

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