
Gas smell in student dormitory turns out to be nail polish remover

Gas smell in student dormitory turns out to be nail polish remover


A student dormitory in Groningen was evacuated on Friday when one of the students smelled gas. But after the measurements of the fire brigade did not reveal anything, it turned out that the ‘smell of gas’ came from a bag of nail polish remover. 

The student who called the fire brigade had to go around the doors of her fellow residents to send them outside. About ten students live in the house. 


The smell of gas was ultimately caused by something else and that is not unusual, according to the fire brigade. People often mistake a smell of gas for a “similar odour”. But it is good that they are calling, emphasises a spokesperson: “We would rather arrive ten times for nothing than once too late.” (HOP, JvE)


HOP Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

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