
The fun’s not over yet

The new academic session may have begun, but don’t let that stop you from having fun. The Delft International Students Society (DISS) has a whole lot of exciting stuff planned for you, some of it starting this weekend.

“For the coming year we have many plans. In September we have a welcome party organised in association with BEST – a barbeque at the lake, International Movie night and a Part-time career event,” says Ran Qedar, the chairperson of DISS. On Saturday, September 7, if the Dutch weather doesn’t act up, the barbeque will be held at the Delft Lake. Entry is €5 for DISS members and €7 for non-members. It’s a great chance for you to discover the beautiful green escape right in the backyard of the university and play some volleyball.

If you’re missing the crazy fun of the Survival Week, they are organizing a party on September 13. Though the details are still being finalised, it will be held in a Dutch student housing area and will be open to all students from the university.

Besides these events, DISS will also help students with queries regarding housing, student life and other issues. “We work closely with the International Office. They organise many events, but cannot accommodate all the needs of the 3,000 international students at TU Delft. We are a student run organisation, so whatever is missing our active members organise. We also remain neutral, that way if a student has a problem with housing, registration, study life, he can always approach us for help.”

Just looking for something a bit more relaxed? The International Movie Nights are your best bet. Every month, a film screening is organised and films from all over the world are screened. Organised jointly by TU Delft and the Culture Centre, the first movie will be screened on September 19.

For up-to-date information on upcoming information, log on to:

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