Fouad L. examined in Pieter Baan Centre

Former medical student Fouad L., who killed three people in Rotterdam, will be admitted to the Pieter Baan Centre next month for psychological testing. This emerged on Monday during the first hearing of his trial.

On 28 September, L. killed his neighbour, her daughter and a teacher from the study programme of medicine. He also set fire to his home and the Erasmus MC. He did not attend the pro-forma hearing of his case.

The prosecutor summarised how the day went. L. appears to have used his firearm threateningly to take an access pass for secure areas of Erasmus MC from a staff member.

Psychotic behaviour

L. had passed all the exams of his medical studies, but after a warning from the public prosecutor, the university wanted him to undergo a psychological examination before he could receive his degree. Among other things, he had abused animals and displayed psychotic behaviour.

The man previously confessed to being the perpetrator, but has since invoked his right to remain silent. The case will continue in April. (HOP, BB)

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