Eight vidi grants to TU Delft

Dutch research financier NWO has awarded 97 scientists a Vidi grant of up to 800 thousand euro.

Among them are eight TU Delft researchers. The money will allow these experienced researchers to further develop their research group over the next five years.

With ten grants, Utrecht University was again the most successful. TU Delft follows next with eight. They are:

  • Prof Mazhar Ali (Applied Sciences, AS) for research on ‘unlocking non-reciprocal superconductivity using quantum materials’.
  • Dr Marianne Bauer (AS) for research on maintaining accuracy in gene regulation and development.
  • Dr Remco Hartkamp, (Mechanical, Marine and Materials Engineering, 3mE) for scaling up electrolysis.
  • Dr Manuel Gnann (Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, EEMCS) for research on the mathematics of interface motion in fluid mechanics.
  • Dr Carlas Smith (3mE) for the development of a new microscope that can look deep into the cell.
  • Dr David Vermaas (AS) for making green fuel with (nano)thin films.
  • Dr Wouter Westerveld (3mE) for measuring ultrasound with light for medical imaging.
  • Dr Jun Wu (Industrial Design Engineering, IDE) for space-time optimisation for additive manufacturing.

Read more about the plans of these eight researchers here.

For this Vidi round, NWO assessed the applications of 551 researchers: 304 men, 244 women and 3 gender-neutral applicants. In the end, 54 men (56 per cent) and 43 women (44 per cent) were awarded grants. That is an 18 per cent honouring rate. (HOP, PvT)

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